Hypnotism, Mysticism
All the things I treasure.
Meditation, Masturbation
Things that bring me pleasure.
Staying up late, prolonged kisses
Sitting and just staring.
Then not talking, next not sleeping
When did you stop caring?
Salutations, Mixed Livations
Parties, concerts, we still smile.
True frusteration, Isolation
Still together just for style.
People laughing, heart collapsing
My world goes on without you.
Suns still shining, I'm still pining
An overhauls about due.
Sweet depression, Quiet regression
Maybe I'll forget you.
Always crying, feels like dying
I could never regret you.
All the things I treasure.
Meditation, Masturbation
Things that bring me pleasure.
Staying up late, prolonged kisses
Sitting and just staring.
Then not talking, next not sleeping
When did you stop caring?
Salutations, Mixed Livations
Parties, concerts, we still smile.
True frusteration, Isolation
Still together just for style.
People laughing, heart collapsing
My world goes on without you.
Suns still shining, I'm still pining
An overhauls about due.
Sweet depression, Quiet regression
Maybe I'll forget you.
Always crying, feels like dying
I could never regret you.
as for the picture think mickey! my son took it (thus the blur)
btw - i'm older than you are by several years