Tomorrow brings a Project Management Review. Tomorrow will decide my future with my company and whether or not I'll still be there next week.
After three weeks of crunching numbers, interviewing the customer and subcontractors and creating a presentation, I figure if all this work is for nothing and I still end up being let go I will, with out fail, go postal! There will be blood shed and death.
I'm off to go find my business suit.. shit, me, in a suit.. that's comical.
After three weeks of crunching numbers, interviewing the customer and subcontractors and creating a presentation, I figure if all this work is for nothing and I still end up being let go I will, with out fail, go postal! There will be blood shed and death.
I'm off to go find my business suit.. shit, me, in a suit.. that's comical.
Living through PMS
Really.... I am in a mood. Rat Bastard needs to be hurt
Let me at the first person who hurt my little sister.
I will rip thier fucking heads off