Fight Club. A movie of Freudian proportion. If you dissect this movie to the sheer underlining meaning of its writing you can find yourself feeling a little insane and liking it.
Consider for a moment, having the ability to do and say anything you choose. What would you do? If you could beat the shit out of anyone in your life without fear of repercussion, who would you beat?
Philosophically this movie asks so many questions that todays society can't handle the answers to. If you blew up all the major credit card company headquarters and the main TRW building would it bring us all back to zero? Mass panic ensues.. don't you think?
If you knock yourself down to the bottom, to the very base of yourself.. what do you think youd find? Do you think youd like yourself? Would you care?
All the worlds fears seems to boil down to the need for improvement. Masturbation is self improvement.
Consider for a moment, having the ability to do and say anything you choose. What would you do? If you could beat the shit out of anyone in your life without fear of repercussion, who would you beat?
Philosophically this movie asks so many questions that todays society can't handle the answers to. If you blew up all the major credit card company headquarters and the main TRW building would it bring us all back to zero? Mass panic ensues.. don't you think?
If you knock yourself down to the bottom, to the very base of yourself.. what do you think youd find? Do you think youd like yourself? Would you care?
All the worlds fears seems to boil down to the need for improvement. Masturbation is self improvement.