i went to the mindless self indulgence show tonite but when i got there it was sold out. i was meeting a friend there but she was inside shooting. so i watch some of the show from big screen on the roof from the side walk. i drove all the way up to hollywood so i going to watch some of it anyway i could. there was some sound. it was not what i had in mind at all. glad i didn't pay 4 parking. i park 4 free in small parking lot. i was there 4 about 2 hour. got bored so i went back to huntington beach to the club. alex was in a bad mood. talk a friend and she cheer me up. thanks tiff 4 inventing me to the show. maybe next time it will work out better. there was some stuff happen before i went to the show. that made my day not so good too. least my life is better than al bundy. im hope tomorrow is a better day.
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