damn, i am such a lazy bastard. at least by the standards set out for me here. i just want to sleep and listen to music and read fiction, not read up on the philosophy of the social sciences. oh well, that's what you get for going to grad school dipshit.

ohohoh! blonde redhead are playing on monday! and i am most likely going on...
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godfuckingdamn. probot. goddamnit. so fucken good.
hahhaa i did haha but it didnt work
well im gona do another try this weekend =)

milan was fun. hella lot of great artists at the convention, but sadly i am broke. so no new ink fer me. i am lucky to have close friends who look at me as their promotional material, and thus give me free tattoos. tomas is trying to come up with something new to tattoo. hmm, i am just all aout the anchors, skulls, girls...
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man, i have to get to bed earlier someday. goddamnit, not easy to be present in class on 3 hours of sleep. i must be the most goofy grad student they have ever had on this "elite institution". haha. big messed up hair in my eyes, tattooed arms and random comments that just make sense to me. yeye.

oh! i am leaving for milan on...
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split lip. bloody ds-13 shirt. hangover from hell. berlin fer ya.
awww man, sucks bout the split lip. Hope it heals soon biggrin
yah, hehe. it's getting along good. serbian speed freaks are highly volatile components of punkrock bars. hehe.

how are ya?
london is bleak, not without color but bleak these days.
oh well, back in london. i have actually been here for two weeks now. can't really say i am to happy about it. dirty, crowded and expensive.

but! i am going to berlin on thursday. yey! back to see charlie, mike and siren. probably gonna be some drunken babble going on fer sure. and virus records' gonna get some of my money.

i am baffled...
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term over and done with. now i only have to write two essays fer next term and read a couple of books over the break.
home sweet home tomorrow. god, london is pretty repressive when one is broke and beaten down by LSE.
but hey! the sun is shining today, and i have some money to burn.
burn that there money. You deserve it after atll the work. Meyyr Xmas my dear kiss
one more week to go.
one more essay to write.
then. x-mas break.

turboneger was fun last nite.
norwegian flag upside down. hehe. evil norwegian death punk. hehe.

hungover today. but what's new?
a dead sinking story

still gray and windy outside. ARRR!!!
three more essays to write before the 12th. and god knows how many books. oh well, guess i better get back to todays badboi "the rise and decline of nations" by fucking mancur olson. i hate rational choice theory, even if this one is supposed to be "soft", fuck. puke

sandy, my beloved friend and tattoo artist,...
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grr essays bad! good luck wit it all
london fucking blows.
and wind.

i am dead broke.