Top Ten 2003:
yage - anders leben
the blood brothers - burn, piano island, burn
the shins - chutes to narrow
the wrens - meadowlands
broken social scene - you forgot it in people
the locust - plague landscapes
circle takes the square - as the roots undo
steve earle - jerusalem
the mars volta - de-loused in the comatorium
alkaline trio - good mourning
i think...
on another note; i am good enough. school's trying it's best to get me stressed and freaky. but i am resisting. the weather's wierd too. summer one day, winter the next. and my girl is far far far far far away
BUT i'll see her in two months and a week so i shouldn't complain. i've found what i always hoped for, but never believed would happen. she's my dream come true in so many ways. sometimes i feel it's fragile, but i know it's not at all. what we have is stronger than anything i've ever experienced before. i just feel it fragile because it's so amazing. and wy ahould amazing stuff happen to me? but it has!!
yage - anders leben
the blood brothers - burn, piano island, burn
the shins - chutes to narrow
the wrens - meadowlands
broken social scene - you forgot it in people
the locust - plague landscapes
circle takes the square - as the roots undo
steve earle - jerusalem
the mars volta - de-loused in the comatorium
alkaline trio - good mourning
i think...
on another note; i am good enough. school's trying it's best to get me stressed and freaky. but i am resisting. the weather's wierd too. summer one day, winter the next. and my girl is far far far far far away

hint hint - sex is everything ep