oh well, back in london. i have actually been here for two weeks now. can't really say i am to happy about it. dirty, crowded and expensive.
but! i am going to berlin on thursday. yey! back to see charlie, mike and siren. probably gonna be some drunken babble going on fer sure. and virus records' gonna get some of my money.
i am baffled that a city as big as london hasn't got ONE decent recordshop. fuck, when HMW is the best hardcore/punkstore in town you KNOW you're in trouble. ah well, probably fer the best since my finances are less than optimal. hehe. goddamnit, brokeness isn't all it's cracked up to be. it plainly sucks.
better get back to my presentation on irish nationalism 1890-1922. how and why was culture such an important aspect of the irish struggle for independence? well, that's what i am about to find out.
but! i am going to berlin on thursday. yey! back to see charlie, mike and siren. probably gonna be some drunken babble going on fer sure. and virus records' gonna get some of my money.
i am baffled that a city as big as london hasn't got ONE decent recordshop. fuck, when HMW is the best hardcore/punkstore in town you KNOW you're in trouble. ah well, probably fer the best since my finances are less than optimal. hehe. goddamnit, brokeness isn't all it's cracked up to be. it plainly sucks.
better get back to my presentation on irish nationalism 1890-1922. how and why was culture such an important aspect of the irish struggle for independence? well, that's what i am about to find out.