I won't spend too much time introducing my latest writing exploit, suffice it to say that I've decided to write fan-fiction for all of the recent movies that have even slightly disappointed me.
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen is the first at bat.
[Fade In]
[Exterior Shanghai: Night]
Military personnel surround a Chinese factory accompanied by conspicuous, expensive vehicles. An ice cream truck drives through the streets playing and shouting through its speakers.
Voice 1: Yo ya'll motherf***as, get yo a**es out heya so's we can stomp ya'll punk b*****es!
Voice 2: Ahhhhhh yeah! Word!
Suddenly an Auto Rickshaw swerves in front of the ice cream truck and quickly sprouts arms and legs. A chase ensues. The Ice Cream Truck splits off into two Transformers, Twin 1 and Twin 2 as they leap and catch the Rickshaw.
Twin 1: Gotcha dog!
Twin 2: Ahhh yeah!
Rickshaw: Why are you talking like that? Didn't we kill your only black stereotype the last time we fought?
Twin 1: Check yo self.
Twin 2: Agreed.
The Twins destroy the Rickshaw as the camera pans away to Optimus Prime, Ironhide, and Arcee chase the Decepticon sports car named Sideways through the streets. The Autobots quickly catch up and destroy Sideways.
Sideways: Blasted Autobots! We shall have our Revenge! The Fallen will have his Revenge!
Optimus: Their revenge.
Sideways: We sha...excuse me?
Optimus: The Fallen shall have their revenge. The Fallen implies more that more than one has fallen.
Sideways: No, his revenge. The Fallen is our leader's name. It's one person.
Optimus: That's a little confusing.
Sideways: You're right, I guess we're just used to it.
Optimus: Yeah, oh, you were saying...?
Sideways: Where was I? The Fallen. Revenge. No I think I was done.
Optimus: Not today.
Sideways: What's not tod...?
Optimus Prime blasts a hole in Sideways' face.
[Fade Out]
[Fade In]
[Exterior Cemetary: Day]
Sam , Mikayla, and Bumblebee meet Optimus Prime in a secluded cemetary.
Optimus: Sam, Megatron has been resurrected.
Sam: That sucks. Hey I have part of the all spark.
Optimus: Really? That's pretty inconvenient for us.
Sam: I know, WTF right?
Optimus: Did you just say WTF out loud?
Sam: Huh? Oh. Yeah. I just started college.
Optimus: Today.
Sam: And I...what?
Optimus: You started college today. It really couldn't have sunk in already.
Sam: Look, this isn't important.
Optimus: Well it's just that you're my friend and I don't want you to turn into a dick at college.
Sam: Megatron? He's coming.
Optimus: All right just change the subject.
Mikayla: Hi.
Optimus: Quiet, you.
Sam: So here's the all spark sliver.
Sam hands the sliver to Optimus.
Optimus: Cool, thanks. Well you should probably just head home. This could get pretty messy.
Sam: Yeah, we'll get outta here.
Optimus: Yeah that's best for everybody.
[End of Act I]
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen is the first at bat.
[Fade In]
[Exterior Shanghai: Night]
Military personnel surround a Chinese factory accompanied by conspicuous, expensive vehicles. An ice cream truck drives through the streets playing and shouting through its speakers.
Voice 1: Yo ya'll motherf***as, get yo a**es out heya so's we can stomp ya'll punk b*****es!
Voice 2: Ahhhhhh yeah! Word!
Suddenly an Auto Rickshaw swerves in front of the ice cream truck and quickly sprouts arms and legs. A chase ensues. The Ice Cream Truck splits off into two Transformers, Twin 1 and Twin 2 as they leap and catch the Rickshaw.
Twin 1: Gotcha dog!
Twin 2: Ahhh yeah!
Rickshaw: Why are you talking like that? Didn't we kill your only black stereotype the last time we fought?
Twin 1: Check yo self.
Twin 2: Agreed.
The Twins destroy the Rickshaw as the camera pans away to Optimus Prime, Ironhide, and Arcee chase the Decepticon sports car named Sideways through the streets. The Autobots quickly catch up and destroy Sideways.
Sideways: Blasted Autobots! We shall have our Revenge! The Fallen will have his Revenge!
Optimus: Their revenge.
Sideways: We sha...excuse me?
Optimus: The Fallen shall have their revenge. The Fallen implies more that more than one has fallen.
Sideways: No, his revenge. The Fallen is our leader's name. It's one person.
Optimus: That's a little confusing.
Sideways: You're right, I guess we're just used to it.
Optimus: Yeah, oh, you were saying...?
Sideways: Where was I? The Fallen. Revenge. No I think I was done.
Optimus: Not today.
Sideways: What's not tod...?
Optimus Prime blasts a hole in Sideways' face.
[Fade Out]
[Fade In]
[Exterior Cemetary: Day]
Sam , Mikayla, and Bumblebee meet Optimus Prime in a secluded cemetary.
Optimus: Sam, Megatron has been resurrected.
Sam: That sucks. Hey I have part of the all spark.
Optimus: Really? That's pretty inconvenient for us.
Sam: I know, WTF right?
Optimus: Did you just say WTF out loud?
Sam: Huh? Oh. Yeah. I just started college.
Optimus: Today.
Sam: And I...what?
Optimus: You started college today. It really couldn't have sunk in already.
Sam: Look, this isn't important.
Optimus: Well it's just that you're my friend and I don't want you to turn into a dick at college.
Sam: Megatron? He's coming.
Optimus: All right just change the subject.
Mikayla: Hi.
Optimus: Quiet, you.
Sam: So here's the all spark sliver.
Sam hands the sliver to Optimus.
Optimus: Cool, thanks. Well you should probably just head home. This could get pretty messy.
Sam: Yeah, we'll get outta here.
Optimus: Yeah that's best for everybody.
[End of Act I]
If this means you will post it, I'm all for it!