Well the Edmonton thing was a blast, right up until I found out my car had been looted. Thanks to Samson for the cool opportunity, even though in the end, Meredith and I couldn't really appreciate it.
I have been told to post a list of the music we lost, the idea being that if any of you have the same cds, you might be willing to burn them. I am not sure who had that idea, but bless your little red socks.
As soon as meredith can give me a list of what she lost, i will post it all in the sgwest group.
Also, I have Carla's Bikini in the back of my car...The bidding can start now
This is actually more of a cooking technique. A lot of people come over to my house and marvel at the way I can cook Chinese dumplings (chao tse dumplings), so I thought I would do a public service and reveal the secret.
First, buy the dumplings. They come frozen, you can get them in chinese croceries, and also you can get boring old pork ones almost anywhere.
Take a heavy bottomed non-stick frying pan, and put it on high heat. Put in 3tbs of sesame oil, and quickly arrange the dumplings in the pan, each dumpling will have a flat spot, that side goes down. As soon as you finish arranging the dumplings, fill the pan with water until the dumplings are 2/3 covered, and cover them with a tight fitting lid.
Let them boil like that, reduce the heat a bit if they boil over, but just let them bubbble away. After 10 minutes or so, lift the lid and check on them. Once the liquid is almost gone, remove the lid, and let them keep cooking. The thick gooey remanants of the water will start to brown, let them brown as long as you dare, then put your plate over the frying pan, flip the pan and plate over and there they will be, brown and perfect for you.
Eat them with little dishes of hot chili oil, hois sin sauce, red vinegar etc etc etc.
Ultimate breakfast food.
I have been told to post a list of the music we lost, the idea being that if any of you have the same cds, you might be willing to burn them. I am not sure who had that idea, but bless your little red socks.
As soon as meredith can give me a list of what she lost, i will post it all in the sgwest group.
Also, I have Carla's Bikini in the back of my car...The bidding can start now

This is actually more of a cooking technique. A lot of people come over to my house and marvel at the way I can cook Chinese dumplings (chao tse dumplings), so I thought I would do a public service and reveal the secret.
First, buy the dumplings. They come frozen, you can get them in chinese croceries, and also you can get boring old pork ones almost anywhere.
Take a heavy bottomed non-stick frying pan, and put it on high heat. Put in 3tbs of sesame oil, and quickly arrange the dumplings in the pan, each dumpling will have a flat spot, that side goes down. As soon as you finish arranging the dumplings, fill the pan with water until the dumplings are 2/3 covered, and cover them with a tight fitting lid.
Let them boil like that, reduce the heat a bit if they boil over, but just let them bubbble away. After 10 minutes or so, lift the lid and check on them. Once the liquid is almost gone, remove the lid, and let them keep cooking. The thick gooey remanants of the water will start to brown, let them brown as long as you dare, then put your plate over the frying pan, flip the pan and plate over and there they will be, brown and perfect for you.
Eat them with little dishes of hot chili oil, hois sin sauce, red vinegar etc etc etc.
Ultimate breakfast food.
no, i did not know you helped make puppet eyes for ronnie. did you know that i took the one and only university course he ever taught? it was life altering.
ronnie taught "puppet theatre production". it was amazing. he showed us how to make all the main puppet types, includng cloth body marrionettes. i believe he got in trouble for giving everyone high marks.....