Finally got back on my bike this morning, ripped off a quick 74km, avg speed 31kph, top speed 56kph.
No real hills on this ride (which for Calgary residents was a quick blast out to Bragg Creek), that top speed was a 3km sprint at the end of the ride. I would like to say that I was racing against some other rider, but actually I was trying frantically to catch a local (female) pro racer so I could ogle her ass during the cool down portion after reentering the city.
I got my wish. Man, was she fine. Bike chicks are so hot.
I am not positive, but I think 56kph might be the fastest sprint I ever did without someone to draft behind...And can you tell I finally got around to changing the batteries on my cycle computer?
Dinner tonight: making Gnocchi (from scratch: never buy gnocci, they suck)) with a sage and brown butter sauce.
Take 24 medium sized leaves of fresh sage, stripped from the stems.
Melt 1 stick fresh unsalted butter over medium heat. Turn heat to med/high, and continue heating. The water will boil out of the butter, and it will foam. when it stops foaming, add the sage leaves to the butter and continue to cook over med/high heat.
The butter will start to turn brown. This is good, but watch it carefully. Just before you figure it might burn, add the juice of one whole lemon, to stop the cooking, and then toss in your fave pasta with lots of fresh grated real parmesan. Salt and Pepper to taste.
If you are nervous, you can brown the butter over med heat, but it takes forever, and life is too short.
This sauce is also killer with broiled fish, or chicken.
No real hills on this ride (which for Calgary residents was a quick blast out to Bragg Creek), that top speed was a 3km sprint at the end of the ride. I would like to say that I was racing against some other rider, but actually I was trying frantically to catch a local (female) pro racer so I could ogle her ass during the cool down portion after reentering the city.
I got my wish. Man, was she fine. Bike chicks are so hot.
I am not positive, but I think 56kph might be the fastest sprint I ever did without someone to draft behind...And can you tell I finally got around to changing the batteries on my cycle computer?
Dinner tonight: making Gnocchi (from scratch: never buy gnocci, they suck)) with a sage and brown butter sauce.
Take 24 medium sized leaves of fresh sage, stripped from the stems.
Melt 1 stick fresh unsalted butter over medium heat. Turn heat to med/high, and continue heating. The water will boil out of the butter, and it will foam. when it stops foaming, add the sage leaves to the butter and continue to cook over med/high heat.
The butter will start to turn brown. This is good, but watch it carefully. Just before you figure it might burn, add the juice of one whole lemon, to stop the cooking, and then toss in your fave pasta with lots of fresh grated real parmesan. Salt and Pepper to taste.
If you are nervous, you can brown the butter over med heat, but it takes forever, and life is too short.
This sauce is also killer with broiled fish, or chicken.

You're right about the post divorce friends picking sides. Most of their friends were hers already, so they went back to her. As for the rest, they all tend to be married to wives who got fat and ugly, so maybe they're jealous. I dunno. But My friend Uni invited us to dinner last night, so that made us both happy.