There is a certain kind of man who is so oblivious of anything, other than his own penis, that he cannot imagine that you do not long for him. That accounts for 95% of the men to whom you refer. The other 5% are probably men who, like me, have learned that gay (or more precisely, strongly gay bisexual) women make far better partners than straight girls.
Well, I tend not to sleep with straight girls myself, so I suppose I can understand your preference. February/March experimentation, however, has demonstrated I have really shitty taste in women. My type reads as "Short cute coth girls with borderline personality disorder and the self esteem of an acne-ridden water retaining Miss America."
Or, this week's gem, "Girls who mightn't understand that I don't appreciate being told I'm a slut in front of my customers, I really don't care how you meant it."
After all: Why would I date a girl that prefers to date men? It implies a lack of taste and discrimination on their part. Men are PIGS. Trust me, I know.
the first time I read this, it made me choke on my orange juice. I'm calling my lawyer.
It didn't feel like an endearment. I don't know, while I seem increasingly fine with engaging in promiscuity, I'm still nopt so great at talking about it. In person.
There is a certain kind of man who is so oblivious of anything, other than his own penis, that he cannot imagine that you do not long for him. That accounts for 95% of the men to whom you refer. The other 5% are probably men who, like me, have learned that gay (or more precisely, strongly gay bisexual) women make far better partners than straight girls.
Well, I tend not to sleep with straight girls myself, so I suppose I can understand your preference. February/March experimentation, however, has demonstrated I have really shitty taste in women. My type reads as "Short cute coth girls with borderline personality disorder and the self esteem of an acne-ridden water retaining Miss America."
Or, this week's gem, "Girls who mightn't understand that I don't appreciate being told I'm a slut in front of my customers, I really don't care how you meant it."
After all: Why would I date a girl that prefers to date men? It implies a lack of taste and discrimination on their part. Men are PIGS. Trust me, I know.
the first time I read this, it made me choke on my orange juice. I'm calling my lawyer.
On the internet, I'm a fucking guttermouth.