About to go in for my second, and hopefully last, round for my tattoo. Its a skin rip tattoo of a cougar tearing its way out of my skin on my ribs. I'll post a pic of the final product, Jimmy at The Parlour says he just has some shading to do. Time to go back under the gun right when the original tat was...
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"This is the very worst wickedness, that we refuse to acknowledge the passionate evil that is in us. This makes us secret and rotten." -DH Lawrence
Bingeing on potato chips and wine, watching the original batman movie...good times :)
Got my rib tattoo started. I hoped to get it done all in one sitting but I still have some shading left to do. Liking how it looks so far but super sore. Shout out to Jimmy at The Parlour tattoo shop in Eugene. You got to know how to embrace the pain when getting this kind of tattoo.
Super excited about getting my new tattoo today. It's on the ribs so I have a feeling it is going to hurt like a bitch.
My New Years resolution was no smoking weed for the entirety of January. It was tough at times, but I pulled through and now sweet February has arrived. Time to get ripped and break in the new bong :)
At the Devil Makes Three concert at the Crystal Ballroom in Portland. Can't wait to finally c these guys...and gal live :)
Made it back to Oregon and had a great time at the SDSU writers' conference. I would recommend it to any aspiring writer looking to get their work published. One agent I met with even asked for the first fifty pages of my manuscript which is always a good sign. :)
At the SDSU winter writers conference and absolutely loving it. Learning loads about how to get my work published and getting amazing opportunities to network with other writers, agents and editors.
Heading for San Diego for the San Diego writing conference and hopefully a weekend of fun. That is if they ever let us on the plane
"But in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." -Benjamin Franklin
Going to the mountains is going home. -John Muir