I am darkness, for I dwell within the depths of my black heart, each beat bringing me closer to the day when the pain and despair will end. I am Chaos, my head filled with a vast whirlwind of consciousness that has no real meaning...but speaks to me in riddles too complex for any normal person to understand. I am Ruin, a nuclear wasteland resulting from a past too painful to remember, but the memories are everywhere I look, creating a landscape of torment and destruction that embodies everything that I am. I am Sin, not inherently evil but wickedly clever in how i speak. Farther and farther away from any semblance of selfless existence and closer to the art of self-gratification. I am pain and I am agony, feasting on all that has come to pass and allowing myself to indulge in illusions of granduer. Place needless amounts of love in the palms of hands too twisted to caress. I am romance, in the most sickening of ways...allowing myself to be used and then thrown away, forever spiralling down into the depths of my blackened soul. I am everything that you may never see, I am nothing you need to concern yourself with. And if you catch a glimpse of what i hold inside...then I have allowed you to see too much. For I am lost within my world...farther away from what you know and deeper than you care to go...and I am hate...and as i travel this lonely world I grow
-J- RuinedForever
-J- RuinedForever