Current Mood = Relaxed
Listening to = Assemblage 23
Lets mess with the fonts shall we...OK too much work....
Since last post...things are going well. I got to see my son over the weekend and he spent the night which was amazing. He is such an amazing boy but hey...he is my son. For all of you who dont know...he is 9 and his name is Daniel. I will have to post a picture of him sometime....maybe today...who knows!!!
This new position at Staples has quite a bit of responsibility attached to it which im definitely up for. But the new people take some getting used to.
It's gonna be one hot week...might have to go swimming. I got a hold of some more industrial/EBM music which is thoroughly entertaining.
Ummm.....well i would write something profound and deep but im really not in the mood so....
Ba Bye...till next post
Ruin the jealous God stares out of the window at the world he has created. Ashamed at what he has done, Ruin justifies his actions by whispering soothing self- affirmations into the air to appease his guilt. The knowledge Ruin carries knowing he has helped to destroy lives is hard to live with, but he carries it well especially since it is not his world he is destroying.
Ruin's sister Shame stands beside Ruin and utters not a word, but the silence speaks volumes as she remembers the past and how it tends to repeat.
Pacing around the room pointing out the flaws of humanity, Ruins best friend Anger consoles Ruin and tells him that it is not his fault, it's the system, its life!
Squatting over the fireplace throwing logs in, Despair only shakes his head muttering something about each log representing a chance at happiness going up in flames because Ruin cant see the truth, cant see what his effects are having upon the World that is his to control. Every once in awhile Despair stops what he is doing to look with sadness in his eyes at his sister Shame.
Hate, Ruins older brother lounges lazily in a armchair while agreeing with Anger and further complicating the matter by telling Ruin that Ruin is too good for the rest of the world, and saying that if the world cant see what Ruin is trying to do, then the world can all go to hell.
Envy, Ruins Grandfather disagrees violently with Hate as he tells Ruin that its Ruins fault and only Ruin can fix what he has doneif it can be fixed at all. Envy admits to Ruin that Ruin has lost because there are people better than Ruin in the world, and that Ruin will never be better than those people. Shame nods her head as Despair looks up from his muttering.
Anger turns to Ruin and shouts his agreement to Envies wisdom in this matter and then looks at Pain for confirmation. Pain just sits there with his book in hand titled "101 Character Flaws" and continues to read on pretending not to hear Anger even though the words Envy says hits him hard.
Fear, sitting in the back of the room listening to the buzz of conversation thinks about the future, and what the World will be like now that Ruin has destroyed it. Fear wonders if the damage will ever be repaired and hopes that things can be like they were before.
Here they are, this happy family of Gods who squabble and fight, argue and wage wars of words. All of these Gods are controlled by the one true God who sits above them all, Chaos, who resides within our worldthe human world. Just as Ruin and all his brothers and sisters have domain over their worldMy Mind, my Head who ruin has helped destroy.
Listening to = Assemblage 23
Lets mess with the fonts shall we...OK too much work....
Since last post...things are going well. I got to see my son over the weekend and he spent the night which was amazing. He is such an amazing boy but hey...he is my son. For all of you who dont know...he is 9 and his name is Daniel. I will have to post a picture of him sometime....maybe today...who knows!!!
This new position at Staples has quite a bit of responsibility attached to it which im definitely up for. But the new people take some getting used to.
It's gonna be one hot week...might have to go swimming. I got a hold of some more industrial/EBM music which is thoroughly entertaining.
Ummm.....well i would write something profound and deep but im really not in the mood so....
Ba Bye...till next post
Ruin the jealous God stares out of the window at the world he has created. Ashamed at what he has done, Ruin justifies his actions by whispering soothing self- affirmations into the air to appease his guilt. The knowledge Ruin carries knowing he has helped to destroy lives is hard to live with, but he carries it well especially since it is not his world he is destroying.
Ruin's sister Shame stands beside Ruin and utters not a word, but the silence speaks volumes as she remembers the past and how it tends to repeat.
Pacing around the room pointing out the flaws of humanity, Ruins best friend Anger consoles Ruin and tells him that it is not his fault, it's the system, its life!
Squatting over the fireplace throwing logs in, Despair only shakes his head muttering something about each log representing a chance at happiness going up in flames because Ruin cant see the truth, cant see what his effects are having upon the World that is his to control. Every once in awhile Despair stops what he is doing to look with sadness in his eyes at his sister Shame.
Hate, Ruins older brother lounges lazily in a armchair while agreeing with Anger and further complicating the matter by telling Ruin that Ruin is too good for the rest of the world, and saying that if the world cant see what Ruin is trying to do, then the world can all go to hell.
Envy, Ruins Grandfather disagrees violently with Hate as he tells Ruin that its Ruins fault and only Ruin can fix what he has doneif it can be fixed at all. Envy admits to Ruin that Ruin has lost because there are people better than Ruin in the world, and that Ruin will never be better than those people. Shame nods her head as Despair looks up from his muttering.
Anger turns to Ruin and shouts his agreement to Envies wisdom in this matter and then looks at Pain for confirmation. Pain just sits there with his book in hand titled "101 Character Flaws" and continues to read on pretending not to hear Anger even though the words Envy says hits him hard.
Fear, sitting in the back of the room listening to the buzz of conversation thinks about the future, and what the World will be like now that Ruin has destroyed it. Fear wonders if the damage will ever be repaired and hopes that things can be like they were before.
Here they are, this happy family of Gods who squabble and fight, argue and wage wars of words. All of these Gods are controlled by the one true God who sits above them all, Chaos, who resides within our worldthe human world. Just as Ruin and all his brothers and sisters have domain over their worldMy Mind, my Head who ruin has helped destroy.
damn young things, i used to fuck girls like that when i was in the pen