The reason i have not been to active on here... I have been extremely busy. I work 5 days out of the week minimum 40+ hours, I go to school 6+ hours the two days I am not at work and then usually hang out with my son whenever I can ( which for those who know me, He moved back in town!) Which usually means even though I go to bed between 3-6 a.m. I still get up and try to drive him to school most of the time by 8;30 a.m. and he lives about 30 minutes away. You do the math not a lot of time to sleep.
BTW I am going to be on the local news on channel ten at 10ish for our restaurant bartending some drinks. I have to get up at 5:30 a.m. for this but if you notice the time it is already 3. AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!! wish me luck! love ya!
BTW I am going to be on the local news on channel ten at 10ish for our restaurant bartending some drinks. I have to get up at 5:30 a.m. for this but if you notice the time it is already 3. AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!! wish me luck! love ya!

I saw your handsome face on the news this morning!! Well, screen caps of it at least
We need to hang out soon, email me if you have a chance.