So these will be my strength focused workouts for next few weeks. I was boxing a couple times a week andnim considering go back on my off days from lifting but also its expensive and drains my energy from doing other things so im not sure if im gonna take a break and focus on lofting for the time being but either way,heres what ill...
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1) Get the body I've always wanted. I've never really dialed in my nutrition and truly focused on getting the aesthetic I wanted and I really want to focus and get leaner this year. I struggle with program hopping with my workouts as well, when I try and focus on getting lean I end up giving up with the mentality of "being strong is cooler...
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Every book I read in 2024 and a rating under each,the little circles representing half stars
1) Sic-Henry Rollins***
2)all the pretty horses-cormac McCarthy
3)a man without a country- Kurt vonnegut
4)panther gap- James A. McLaughlin
5)leave the world behind- Rumaan Alam
6)a hundred billion ghosts- D.M. Sinclair
7)doors of perception- aldous huxley
8) the book-alan watts
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I'm trying to go plant based,so tonight I ordered myself an entire vegan pizza and.........I ate the whole thing😬😆🤣
I saw some of these on here and decided to google one just for the hell of it,for anyone that wants to know🙂
1. Have I ever been to a bachelor/bachelorette party?
Yup,my brothers,which was the 1st and only time I've ever been to a strip club,not really that satisfying in my opinion
2. Ever got a ticket for driving?
Yup,the only time I got...
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Definitely not giving up animal products entirely but I feel like this is a step in the right direction....
Vietnamese style ramen
Tandoori tempeh
Mexican molettes
Baked lemony couscous
Bbq jackfruit sandwiches w/broccoli slaw
Vegan artichoke & broccoli mac-n-cheese
Ranchero bowl
Brocolli & black bean quesadilla
Mushroom & kale flatbreads
Wish I could say I could have created this all myself,got a little help from
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