Hrm... to think I could get the first two years of both Computer Science AND Computer Engineering done while only spending ~1.6 extra semesters on it... if only MC allowed me to transfer all the credits. Maybe they'll let me if I say I'm trying to double major... or at the very least they'll think I'm insane... which would make the whole thing entirely worth it, even if they still say no.
Even if that did work, I wonder if they'd make me do double the liberal arts requirements or something... that would be a pain in the ass, kinda. It'd give me an excuse to take some of the classes I think would be interesting but can't justify in terms of cost/applicability towards major, though.
Even if that did work, I wonder if they'd make me do double the liberal arts requirements or something... that would be a pain in the ass, kinda. It'd give me an excuse to take some of the classes I think would be interesting but can't justify in terms of cost/applicability towards major, though.
good luck with your education endeavors.