I know I haven't been particularly active lately, and for that I do apologise. I've been feeling a rollercoaster of emotions in this short space of time and it's been difficult to put into words. So much sadness and joy, it's some what bizarre. I feel like I'm in haze. I've been trying to stay numb to everything, it's the easiest way.
Bah, but enough talk of such pointless things. It's not particularly interesting, is it?
My boys are over at the moment, visiting after what seems like a small eternity. Oh how I have missed them. The boy is the only one who can keep me sane, sometimes, it's scary.

Ash likes to show everyone his penis...A lot

I have a new laptop, which I'm using right now, actually. It's a necessity that I could just barely afford after all the vets bills (In case anyone was curious, we are still waiting to hear back from the insurance company as to whether or not they will pay for the surgery that will save her life, they've only had a fortnight to think about it so far...*sigh*)
The boy and I went to see Diary of the Dead on Tuesday night after my mam and little brother so kindly offered to dogsit for us.
It was shit. I dunno whats happened to Romero, but it was utter pants, it's only redeeming fact was the deaf Amish guy. I didn't even know Amish folk kept dynamite...Go figure.
If any of you want my advice (and let's face it, why would you?) I recommend Zombie Diaries instead, it is a far superior British movie along the same sort of vein. (camcorders, zombies, shakey camera angles).It had a far more realistic feel to it, which I thought was utterly creepy.
I also started another clay sculpture last week, I had to mould him around a piece of dowel that had been secured into a wooden base. It actually proved a hell of a lot harder than I anticipated.

I still need to iron out the kinks as you can see, but he's progressing nicely.
Well, thats about it for now, I'll update you guys more when more exciting stuff happens
Bah, but enough talk of such pointless things. It's not particularly interesting, is it?
My boys are over at the moment, visiting after what seems like a small eternity. Oh how I have missed them. The boy is the only one who can keep me sane, sometimes, it's scary.

Ash likes to show everyone his penis...A lot

I have a new laptop, which I'm using right now, actually. It's a necessity that I could just barely afford after all the vets bills (In case anyone was curious, we are still waiting to hear back from the insurance company as to whether or not they will pay for the surgery that will save her life, they've only had a fortnight to think about it so far...*sigh*)
The boy and I went to see Diary of the Dead on Tuesday night after my mam and little brother so kindly offered to dogsit for us.
It was shit. I dunno whats happened to Romero, but it was utter pants, it's only redeeming fact was the deaf Amish guy. I didn't even know Amish folk kept dynamite...Go figure.
If any of you want my advice (and let's face it, why would you?) I recommend Zombie Diaries instead, it is a far superior British movie along the same sort of vein. (camcorders, zombies, shakey camera angles).It had a far more realistic feel to it, which I thought was utterly creepy.
I also started another clay sculpture last week, I had to mould him around a piece of dowel that had been secured into a wooden base. It actually proved a hell of a lot harder than I anticipated.

I still need to iron out the kinks as you can see, but he's progressing nicely.
Well, thats about it for now, I'll update you guys more when more exciting stuff happens
Neil is my new hero hehe. I want a beard like that hehe
Your very lucky too