Fucking hell, this is apparently my first blog this year...I really should stop looking at all the fit girls and talk to you all! I may have mentioned previously that I was part of an online magazine project that was starting up, well after a false start at christmas we finally got it going this summer and now I'm running the whole thing! We have...
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Happy New Year everyone, especially all my friends on here
Anyone doing anything good tonight?

Really, really need to update this more, but I keep forgetting about the blogs, I'm always distracted by the lovely females!
So what is happening in my life? Well, I'm now full time at work, which means less free time but more money...swings and roundabouts there...I've also started to get into taking photographs a lot more, there's some on my flickr (see link on profile...
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So what is happening in my life? Well, I'm now full time at work, which means less free time but more money...swings and roundabouts there...I've also started to get into taking photographs a lot more, there's some on my flickr (see link on profile...
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Well hello there, it has been a while since I posted a blog, but that's mainly 'cos nothing has happened in my life since I last posted! I can't think of a single interesting thing that has happened recently, other than a couple of problems at work, but I think they're pretty much sorted now really...so this is mainly just a "hello, I'm still alive,...
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Happy to know you're alive 

Well, I'm back into my work routine of being in bed til late afternoon, getting up, going to work, coming home and not doing anything...I need to do something! Any Ideas?

yer I did leave but I can back, been around for a while now just keeping it low tho x
Shoulder update: still knackered!
Other updates: life is pretty much back to normal now, and I wish I could afford the beatles rockband band in a box!
Other updates: life is pretty much back to normal now, and I wish I could afford the beatles rockband band in a box!
Well, things have got better since last update, things are pretty much back to normal now. So that's all good, but on saturday i did some damage to my shoulder, which seems like it may have ended my cricket season 6 weeks early which is a bitch, but nevermind, there are more important things in life!
you play ukulele... that makes me happy.. I play, too (:
Bloody hell, I haven't updated my blog for nearly 2 years!! Well, what have I been doing in that time? Let's see, work, sleep, drink and eat...not a lot else really, I'm looking for a new job at the moment, but there's nothing out there at the moment. I started to learn to drive, but had to stop due to lack of funds, I am...
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Approximately 6 hours to go before I'll be enrolled on my training course and I'll be about 6 months (hopefully less than that) away from being a qualified webmaster and earning more in a month than currently spend in a year! Even if i have worked out what i'm spending nearly all of my first year's wage on :p lots of frivolous(sp?) purchases, plus stuff...
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You might want to earn the cash before you spend it...
Good luck with the course though 

haha - no, it wasn't with Richey. The first time I saw them was 2001. If I had seen them with Richey I would have only been about 8 or 9
I wasn't really cool enough back then

I wasn't really cool enough back then

a load of bollocks!