For fans of The Chaos Riddler (Derek Hunter), I have moved over to a new page, DH -
I've decided that with the coming of a new year it was the perfect time to change the identity/persona/spirit of my work from The Chaos Riddler to simply DH (my initials, obviously).
I feel it's the right thing to do as it is both a closer approximation of my true self, and also more open to others. Over the past few years I've found the name Chaos Riddler and Chaos Riddle Prose has done the opposite of my intended purpose: alienate a large number of people who would actually enjoy my work.
There have been many who have been turned off to what I do simply because of the name and then upon reading my books or listening to my albums were surprised to find themselves enjoying it.
So I have decided to simplify the presentation, not only to suit others' interest but also for my own. For in recent months I had become tired of the chaos riddler image. I hope now people who were fans of the Chaos Riddler page here on Facebook and elsewhere will continue to follow my work. If so, please go to the DH page from now on.
And thank you thank you thank you to all that have supported this page and my work in connection to the Chaos Riddler presentation.
I feel a bit like David Bowie right now to be honest, when he discarded the Ziggy Stardust persona to move onto other areas of expression. But in my case I plan to continue writing the same and making music the same, just now without the labels of chaos riddler nor chaos riddle prose.
Thank you once again to all who have supported me and this page and I look forward to seeing you on the DH page.
Happy 2014 to you all!
Derek Hunter