On Sound Cloud I have only three tracks of electronic music and voice narration. The reason is that all 3 albums of mine are up on Spotify as well as Amazon and iTunes and other places. I would rather not simply hand out the work I spent a great deal of time on. Work which I would like to one day pay my bills with rather than the crap jobs I've been forced to do in order to survive. I know people would rather not pay for music these days, so if you refuse to purchase a .89 cent track on Amazon or a .99 cent track on iTunes, or a whopping $8.99 or $9.99! then you can listen to all three albums on Spotify FOR FREE. The difference between Spotify and Sound Cloud is that Spotify pays the artists. They do so with the money they get from ads and premium accounts, and based on per listens. So the more people listen to the tracks on Spotify the more the artists gets in royalties. Enjoy the work and thanks for your time.
Derek Hunter
The Chaos Riddler
3 Free Tracks from 3 Albums by The Chaos Riddler, Derek Hunter, on Sound Cloud
Derek Hunter
The Chaos Riddler
3 Free Tracks from 3 Albums by The Chaos Riddler, Derek Hunter, on Sound Cloud
The Third Eye, or Backwards Eye, Images I Found On-line Last Year. Facebook Album.