I want to post a fairly large number of an excellent videos from YouTube of Bauhaus, Dali's Car (something Murphy did with Japan's Karn directly after Bauhaus broke up - very very good one shot album thing those two guys did), Peter Murphy's solo career, and also some super cool tracks Murphy did live with Reznor, Twiggy from MM and Atticus Ross, Reznor's right hand man the last decade it seems. No particular reason for posting these, other than sharing the Beauty which Murphy has been a part of throughout his career. He's one of my heroes for sure, as he is for many, and justifiably so. The guy is the coolest cat out of all the cool cats.
YouTube Play List for Peter Murphy, Bauhaus, Dali's Car, and more related music.
YouTube Play List for Peter Murphy, Bauhaus, Dali's Car, and more related music.
i love peter murphy. thank you for posting.
No problem whatsoever. One of the great joys in life is sharing things we enjoy with others.