Well, there went my 25th birthday. I ended up staying at home, for fear of idiots knocking my friends off the road in the snow. And I'm worm out from other birthday festivities and school starting. It was nice at home, though. I spent the afternoon, evening, and night online, talking to Amelie. She sent me Willy Wonka on dvd. She's the best girl ever. I still wish she had made it up here; the internet really is no substitute for... whatever it was we'd be doing if she were here. My friends pooled funds and got me a $55 gift certificate to Amazon. I bought Super Smash Bros. Melee. My Gamecube library is growing faster than any other sysem I've owned. I put $15 down for the new Zelda last week. I don't know much about the new game, but I'm really looking forward to playing Ocarina of Time without digging up my N64
And that is my rambling post-birthday entry. Ta-da.

And that is my rambling post-birthday entry. Ta-da.
Well at least things arnt going bad.