Twenty-fifth birthday. And I got nothing big to say. This is one of those milestone things, right? If I were a comic book published in the mid-1990s I'd get a foil cover today. And maybe a polybag and a trading card. But then no one would open the bag to read me for fear of cutting my value in half, or lower. That's no way to live. I need to be read! Open me! Open meeeee!
Okay, that's a bit more surreal than I usually get in here...
My mom went into labor during Happy Days. Saying it snowed the day of my birth would be silly. No, it was a full-blown blizzard, one of the largest ever seen in this area, maybe in the country. I had a friend in college who was born in the same blizzard a few days earlier out in Iowa. A huge, lumbering beast of a blizzard. And I made my way into the world at 16 minutes till four in the morning. Twenty-five trips around the sun, and I'm writing about it on a porn site. Snazztastic.
Amelie's not here for my birthday
That's very hard. She'll be here in less than a month for a visit, but... well, I've wanted her here since we left New York. But a big celebration for me with all my friends without her just... seems wrong. Then again, everything seems wrong since I've been home. Oh well. I should get my present from her in the mail later today. I've been told not to open it at whatever party my friends have planned...
Happy birthday to me.
Okay, that's a bit more surreal than I usually get in here...
My mom went into labor during Happy Days. Saying it snowed the day of my birth would be silly. No, it was a full-blown blizzard, one of the largest ever seen in this area, maybe in the country. I had a friend in college who was born in the same blizzard a few days earlier out in Iowa. A huge, lumbering beast of a blizzard. And I made my way into the world at 16 minutes till four in the morning. Twenty-five trips around the sun, and I'm writing about it on a porn site. Snazztastic.
Amelie's not here for my birthday

Happy birthday to me.
Happy Birthday, baby. Sorry I'm not on AIM to bug you about it...