I could gross you all out and give you the minutes till I land in New York, but I'll spare you and just say that it's less than a day now. Less than a day and I'll be with Amelie, the greatest girl I've (n)ever met.
I'm finally starting to feel as excited as I should have been feeling the last week. My mother keeps asking me if I'm sure I'm going, and I keep saying "yes." She laughed after I answered the last time, a real laugh, and she's helping me get my shit together. I guess she's finally warmed up to the idea. Or she's just finally gone insane and I can't tell.
I guess this is my last entry before I leave. I don't know what sort of computer access this fancy-pants hotel I'll be in will have, but if anyone has any pressing information to get to me, use the contact tab. I'm sure I'll at least be able to check my e-mail, somewhere, somehow.
Thanks to all of you who've supported me in this whole thing the last six months or so, especially Morgan. There are few people in the world kinder and cooler than you, Miss Morgan, and I'm glad to know you. I hope you have some small idea how much you've helped me. And I hope someday I can do more to thank you and everyone else outside of just eight little letters on a computer screen.
And big ups to minimalism for giving Amelie and I (and everyone else that's coming!) something fun to do on New Year's Eve. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to partying in an SG stylee.
Okay! That's enough from me!
Big monkey love to all y'all!
I'm finally starting to feel as excited as I should have been feeling the last week. My mother keeps asking me if I'm sure I'm going, and I keep saying "yes." She laughed after I answered the last time, a real laugh, and she's helping me get my shit together. I guess she's finally warmed up to the idea. Or she's just finally gone insane and I can't tell.
I guess this is my last entry before I leave. I don't know what sort of computer access this fancy-pants hotel I'll be in will have, but if anyone has any pressing information to get to me, use the contact tab. I'm sure I'll at least be able to check my e-mail, somewhere, somehow.
Thanks to all of you who've supported me in this whole thing the last six months or so, especially Morgan. There are few people in the world kinder and cooler than you, Miss Morgan, and I'm glad to know you. I hope you have some small idea how much you've helped me. And I hope someday I can do more to thank you and everyone else outside of just eight little letters on a computer screen.

And big ups to minimalism for giving Amelie and I (and everyone else that's coming!) something fun to do on New Year's Eve. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to partying in an SG stylee.
Okay! That's enough from me!
Big monkey love to all y'all!
Monkey love is the best!