I don't have much to say. It's cold, wet, and miserable here; It sure would nice to have someone to snuggle up with like, I dunno, Amelie, maybe. Grrr. New York is less than 60 days away now.
I don't think I flunked today's anthropology test. Too bad I didn't study for it; then I really would have not flunked it. Wait, what? Anyhow, if anyone should know his shit about early primates, it's me. And I sorta do, now. Kinda. I guess. It's neat to think we all sprung from some little marmoset-looking things millions and millions of years into the past.
Plus, you know, monkeys.
Aw yeah.
I don't think I flunked today's anthropology test. Too bad I didn't study for it; then I really would have not flunked it. Wait, what? Anyhow, if anyone should know his shit about early primates, it's me. And I sorta do, now. Kinda. I guess. It's neat to think we all sprung from some little marmoset-looking things millions and millions of years into the past.
Plus, you know, monkeys.
Aw yeah.
And I like girlie bits, too.
Oh, and it IS frustratingly hard to find people who read. Stupid non reading people. I don't like them.