Seems things were more twisted than I thought, and it wasn't who I thought. But there were still insidious machinations being, uhm, machined against me. Or something. And still some rotten people who should hope to only be beaten to a bloody fucking pulp.
I'm still out of here, though. Things felt different even before all this bullshit went down. I haven't been interacting as...
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I'm still out of here, though. Things felt different even before all this bullshit went down. I haven't been interacting as...
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I'd just like to let you know that "you're going to hell on a greased pole and Satan is laughing his head off!"
Thank you, drive through.
Thank you, drive through.
Welcome to ChaosMonkey's journal, where we ask the musical question: "Do You Like Horny Bunnies?"
I've got this class on spreadsheets now... just a little five-week thing, of which I missed the first week due to snow... It's called "spreadsheets," but it's really on Excel. My high school had extremely out-of-date computers until right before I graduated, so I learned Lotus 1 2...
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I've got this class on spreadsheets now... just a little five-week thing, of which I missed the first week due to snow... It's called "spreadsheets," but it's really on Excel. My high school had extremely out-of-date computers until right before I graduated, so I learned Lotus 1 2...
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Wow you've been a bizzy bunny.......just read all your past entries since the last time i visited your journal....You sound happy..... bizzy, but happy.... have fun with your woman......I know what long distance relationships can be like..... take care......
Dude, jew got a robot magician?
... may I see it?
... may I see it?
The end of March is shaping up to be quite motherfucking awesome: A visit from Amelie, Frank Black & the Catholics return to Louisville, a visit from Amelie, a Sigur Ros show, a visit from Amelie, the new Zelda game, and a visit from Amelie. All this packed into the span of a week. It's nice to finally have things to look forward to...
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hot diggity damn!
I love saying that.
Frank Black is playing here in Indy too! I "was" planning on going but I doubt that happens now that I'm all responsible n shit.
I love saying that.
Frank Black is playing here in Indy too! I "was" planning on going but I doubt that happens now that I'm all responsible n shit.
It sure would be nice if someone would stop stalking my every move on here and mailing nearly everything I say to someone else.
Sure would be nice.
Not being stalked.
Yup. Real nice.
Fuck off, Oliver.
Sure would be nice.
Not being stalked.
Yup. Real nice.
Fuck off, Oliver.
yeah! fuck off Oliver...
Freezing rain, driving winds, icy roads... yup, another Saturday night at home. I'm itching for the summer so badly. Heck, I'd settle for spring. Anything but more of this winter. Last summer was a fucking blast. I need more of that. Also, I think my friends are getting restless and tired of being cooped up inside with each other. We need sunshine.
And maybe this...
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And maybe this...
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I'm exhausted.
My head's threatening to begin pounding.
I have a test in an hour and fifteen minutes.
Amelie's out of town and won't be back for a couple days. I could use the time to rest up, I suppose. It's really tough not to spend every minute I can talking to her, but that usually keeps us both up till at least five in...
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My head's threatening to begin pounding.
I have a test in an hour and fifteen minutes.
Amelie's out of town and won't be back for a couple days. I could use the time to rest up, I suppose. It's really tough not to spend every minute I can talking to her, but that usually keeps us both up till at least five in...
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So this army recruiter guy calls me yesterday at about 10 am. Being the shiftless layabout that I am, I was asleep. My class doesn't start till late, I can afford this one luxury. Army guy talks about a mile a minute, my brain fuzzy and uncomprehending after a late night up on the phone with my sweetie. "You go to IUS, right?" "Uh-huh." "We'll...
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Fuck the U.S. military.... they gave my little brother a raw deal.... and now I have one more thing to worry about........
It seems somehow that I am a college student. I'm not sure how this happened, or what's going on, or just when I go to class, but I am. I have this vague recollection of being in classes, and learning things -- or having things said by a person standing at the front of the room enter my brain -- but nothing's terribly clear. I'm...
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Reading your journal today is like looking in my own mental mirror.
I empathise.
I live it.
I am.
I empathise.
I live it.
I am.
I like the instant ramen when it's still a bit crunchy.
Hm. I was gonna write something fun and exciting, but I don't really feel fun and exciting today, and I don't feel like figuring out how to write it, anyhow. So I'm just gonna say I miss Amelie and go on my way.
Fucking February.
Fucking February.

yeah fuckin' february!!! i need my april!
I feel now like I should have been online more often.... should have posted some kick-ass theories about comics, or other subjects of interest...
Take care and come back soon!