- on chaosmachine's page
So, my last girl friend attempted suicide, almost got me evicted from my apartment and cost me 1,600$ dollars in bills. Yea, that is why I haven't been so talkative on this here blog. Well, I'm single, living in my own place for once and am in school after 5 semesters of "vacation" in Iraq. I'm being honest when I say that the time I...
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hey, nice to see ya on here, i haven't been in b-town very long and it would be cool to meet some new friends and hang out...
sure, sounds like a plan bro...
Life has done a triple 180, yes I'm very dizzy. In one day I went from having a apt, to being evictetd then back again. I also faced the chance I could be seriously injured. I could not have had a more fucked up day. More on this later, if I survive the morning.

It's been months sheesh, yep stuff and more stuff. 

Blarg life is odd, I get back to my old job to find it has become very nit picky and petty. Not the same tech job I left
. I'm a computer consultant on IU's campus and they have turned it into a very tedious job in some ways. In other news the colts won....WHO CARES. SImply not me, right now I'm enjoying the 6th...
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Home, it's strange, I feel like a year went by and I wasn't given the memo. More to come....
niiiice, welcome back dood!
Wiis are all that and a bag of chips AND a six pack of cola
Sheesh, what a year is has been, I know it's just middle November but going through this year in Iraq was different than another year at IU studying chemistry. I really believe that there is a total reality paradigm switch between here and being home. At times through the year I couldn't comprehend what life was like back In Indiana and at times I also...
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well said
Blllaaarggg, once again I am sloth in updating my one and only "journal" per se...I sit here at an odd juncture, going home on leave soon, also coming to the last 4th of my deployment in the sandbox...I hope all is well in sg land, the Paris Hilton debacle is amusing but sad, throw her ass in the klink like the rest. On the whole,...
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what happens if it doesnt get there in time? will it be returned or forwarded? I can send today
ok then Im sending it now 

Heh, due to either a dearth of enthusiam or an abundance of apathy I havn't updated in over a month. I wish I could use the excuse that I'm too busy here in a warzone going on missions but I can't. Happily I do have days off and time to do things not related to the military which is a good thing. I did go...
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i hope everything is going well for you, keith. we miss you in b-town!
Bah, there are some things you can't describe with words, one of them is the putrescent cocktail of odoriferously offensive organic smells that emanate from the lovely city of Mosul. Especially after the 117 degree weather amplifies the affect.

shit.... theres a biomass plant on the corner of the block where the ranch is... and its been getting up to 117 here lately. i wonder if theyre anything alike... but its nasty...
Blllaaarg, another day in paradise....
miss you...

Finally, stable internet access is mine! Bah, life in the sanbox is as boring as ever. Pretty much it feels like a job and one that gets old quck. I wished we had more variety in our tasks but we just go the same place everyday. On the upside we havn't seen much action so that's good. I will be in b-town in a month...
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yay! can't wait to see ya, soldier
we should do something really fun when you get here. call me when you get into town! 331.8395
sorry i haven't written you anything...life has been kinda poopey lately, so not much to report on other than shit news...things are getting better now, though - i'll tell you about it later

sorry i haven't written you anything...life has been kinda poopey lately, so not much to report on other than shit news...things are getting better now, though - i'll tell you about it later

can't wait to see you when you get in...two weeks will most likely fly by for you, but hopefully you'll get to have a nice break from the 'box and spend time with all the people you love