So recently my friend and I have decided to take the road trip that we started planning in middle school. We're going to do a complete tour of the U.S. as well as parts of Mexico and Canada. We were going to hitchhike it but in the end decided to buy a old box van and convert it into our own rv. In order to...
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Sounds like a good time!!! Good Luck!!!
That is a crazy idea - but awesome! Good luck!
So yeah, I got shot at the other night by some punk kids. It kinda gives me new appreciation for just how vulnerable we all are. On the plus side they got caught but since it happened I've been looking over my shoulder afraid that I've pissed off the wrong person. So anyways I never thought I'd be the type to have a gun, but...
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Where were you when you were shot at? In LA ?What were the circumstances> Did they just pick you at random?
Wow that must have been really scary!! Just the other day when I was getting off the interstate right by my house there was a cracked out guy standing on the side of the road pretending to shoot at people with his hand. When I drove by I didn't realize he was pretending and my heart jumped out of my chest. I had my girls with me so I was really frightened. Made me think how would I react in a situation that involved a real gun. Probably not good.
Boobs and stuff
A bunch of drunk fools
Various pics
Thanks for friend request cutie

So what part of New Orleans are you from??
I have done my share or parying there!! I'm in Slidell now
so don't get over there much anymore. Now since Katrina
to afraid to go!!!
So what part of New Orleans are you from??
I have done my share or parying there!! I'm in Slidell now
so don't get over there much anymore. Now since Katrina
to afraid to go!!!