Gods, I don't update very much do I?
Well, I'm a gonna be a little ranty today, so if no one listens I understand.
My bank sucks, it just flat out sucks. I don't know if most banks are this evil, but I never hear anyone else having as many problems as I do. It's like they try to squeeze money out of me for no reason than there's some corperate asshat in their main office trying to get me to buy his new car for him.
Now, I'm not gonna lie, it took me a while to get smart with my money, and I've overdrafted my account a couple times, but not nearly as much as the bank has just used this as a mechanic to take money from me. The first time it happened was from a restaurant, which accidentally double billed me, causing my account to overdraft. When I pointed out that my account had an erroneous charge, they took off one overdraft fee, but left the other two, stating that I should have "noticed the problem by then". Another time, I did goof up and forget to write down a check for my electric bill, so I went out that day and bought a soda ($1.50) and went to do research in the library where I made a couple copies over the time ($.45 each) and then finally after class, went to the grocery store. Now it was the grocery store charge (about $25) that put me in the red, but my bank rearranged the transactions so that it charged me for the groceries FIRST, which sent me into the red, then set the other charges, so instead of one overdraft fee, I had four. When I yelled at my branch manager about it, she said that that was how their computer were programmed to handle transactions (lump all the transactions from one day together and then subtract the largest ones first). Now, I have an automatic payment set up for my internet, not out of choice, but because it's the only way the company would set it up. It's supposed to be taken out of my account on the 26th, the day after I get paid. Only yesterday I realized that they have been taking it out on the 24th. Normally I have a surplus in the account so it hasn't mattered and I never noticed, but this week it mattered since I spent some money on the 24th that apparently I did not have, not to mention the charge itself being an overdraft. The internet people are all"we'll fix the error on the date, but we can't get you back your money, take that up with the bank." And, of course, the bank is like "not our fault, money went out of the account that wasn't in it." So 102 dollars of my hard earned money went "poof" out the window, and I just have to take it up the tailpipe.
I've considered switching banks, but the one I have is the most convenient one I've found, with a branch near my house, my grandparent's house, and my parent's house. I just wonder if this would happen at another bank too
Well, I'm a gonna be a little ranty today, so if no one listens I understand.
My bank sucks, it just flat out sucks. I don't know if most banks are this evil, but I never hear anyone else having as many problems as I do. It's like they try to squeeze money out of me for no reason than there's some corperate asshat in their main office trying to get me to buy his new car for him.
Now, I'm not gonna lie, it took me a while to get smart with my money, and I've overdrafted my account a couple times, but not nearly as much as the bank has just used this as a mechanic to take money from me. The first time it happened was from a restaurant, which accidentally double billed me, causing my account to overdraft. When I pointed out that my account had an erroneous charge, they took off one overdraft fee, but left the other two, stating that I should have "noticed the problem by then". Another time, I did goof up and forget to write down a check for my electric bill, so I went out that day and bought a soda ($1.50) and went to do research in the library where I made a couple copies over the time ($.45 each) and then finally after class, went to the grocery store. Now it was the grocery store charge (about $25) that put me in the red, but my bank rearranged the transactions so that it charged me for the groceries FIRST, which sent me into the red, then set the other charges, so instead of one overdraft fee, I had four. When I yelled at my branch manager about it, she said that that was how their computer were programmed to handle transactions (lump all the transactions from one day together and then subtract the largest ones first). Now, I have an automatic payment set up for my internet, not out of choice, but because it's the only way the company would set it up. It's supposed to be taken out of my account on the 26th, the day after I get paid. Only yesterday I realized that they have been taking it out on the 24th. Normally I have a surplus in the account so it hasn't mattered and I never noticed, but this week it mattered since I spent some money on the 24th that apparently I did not have, not to mention the charge itself being an overdraft. The internet people are all"we'll fix the error on the date, but we can't get you back your money, take that up with the bank." And, of course, the bank is like "not our fault, money went out of the account that wasn't in it." So 102 dollars of my hard earned money went "poof" out the window, and I just have to take it up the tailpipe.

I've considered switching banks, but the one I have is the most convenient one I've found, with a branch near my house, my grandparent's house, and my parent's house. I just wonder if this would happen at another bank too

Hope the answer was acceptable enough

i cant bring myself to finish it all that quickly...i just finished the 4th book it didnt take me very long...so im waiting as long as possible before going crazy to get the 5th. i just dont want it to be over!