Saturday Apr 30, 2005 Apr 30, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Yay its Sunday and I don't have to work for once. Want to go to Yum Cha so bad but no one is up for it. Can you go to Yum Cha by yourself?? jibaili: of course you can go to yum cha by yourself, you get more food that way.. anyways, welcome to the SGAU group, come by and introduce yourself when you get a minute.. Apr 30, 2005 chanty: My back hurts, my neck hurts, my feet hurt, so should be doing some uni work on director, its already a week late. Oh well fuck it, its semi sav and cruising the internet looking at hot chicks...... May 3, 2005
anyways, welcome to the SGAU group, come by and introduce yourself when you get a minute..