Umm umm uhhhhh...
I applied to be a SuicideGirl.

I got a job at Dairy Queen. I have an interview tomorrow with Party City. I wonder how that's gonna go down. I would absolutely rather restock fun stuff and check people out and blow up helium balloons than food service. But I'm going to make decent money at Dairy Queen. $750 a month before taxes....
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*passes a lung*

That's what I've been doing for the past two weeks. Whenever I come back here I get sick.

In other news, I HATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND THE HIGH PROBABILITY THAT I WON'T BE ABLE TO TRANSFER BACK TO A REAL ONE UNTIL FALL '06 AT THE EARLIEST. I have to do summer school like a motherfucker. Makes me wanna cry.

Still jobless....
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yeah i think i have sars perhaps tuberculosis the jury is still out on that one... fuck being sick... just when i thought i was done with this shit too...

i'm jobless i was getting nice unemployment checks but they cut that shit off a little while ago so now my bank account is dwindling... blah...

yep...deffinatly some WHAT THE FUCKS in there it's like a seasoning though like salt or pepper it's good to have just the right amount....
fuc yea. cant wait until the henrey fonda...
im thinkin msi, two hookers, and an eight ball...
but i dunno.
Santa Cruz is too gorgeous today.

I really don't want to go back to Orange County.

There's so much to be done....
Maybe Santa Cruz thinks you're too gorgeous today smile
You know the "OC" isn't that bad.....

"What the fuck i am i saying!!!!!" I hate it, but it's nice here today. It's not raining and it's pretty warm.

I hope you have a nice weekend.


[Edited on Mar 25, 2005 2:36PM]
I need a sugar daddy. Clearly this is the only way to solve my lack-of-cash-monies problem.

Hooked Alex up with a membership to this fine website for his 20th birthday today. He liked it bunches and I'm glad.

Let's hear it for Queens.

And if you've heard the clip of what do they know you wish that it was April 12th TODAY. love
i need a sugar mommy, hell she doesn't even need to have money ha ha
i wish it was April 12th, regardless of the clip.
Yesterday and today feel like dying.

I just want to go back to Santa Cruz.
oh right on, I'm going there for the weekend of the 25th for my B-day. if you're there you should come to the party biggrin
Enter The Matrix is a hard-ass game. Now I remember why I stopped playing it in the first place. Gimme GTA 3 4 or 5 any day of the week.

Got hit on in a parkinglot today. That was an experience... whatever
i got the ghost in the shell game and i'm totally inept at it i can't even get past the first level yet... i'm not used to these newfangled platformer games normally i play fantasy rpgs which doesn't require alot of controller coordination.
i've never even heard of that game...

i just got home from watching costantine it was pretty good...
the hell spawn were pretty bad ass they must have some resident evil on the staff...sorry i couldn't help the video game pun... i had too... biggrin
I need to get a haircut. Like, NOW. Any suggestions?
sorry i only think in boy hair styles, all i would say is dye it lots of pretty colours.
if i was doing american government i think i would be pretty frustrated too.
but if ya cant beat them...infiltrate the system then beat them.
I really don't want to go to American Government tomorrow. Really really really really.

I really would like for my various jewelry to come in the mail.

I want to cuddle. CUDDLE!!!!!!!!
C'est la vie...
waa no woods! that sucks! i also want a cuddle but everyone sucks at the moment. everything sucks! fuckin leeches!
are american government a band or something?
ive got to go in to college today and i dont want to cos i got really drunk the other day and cant remember quite a few parts. i too would prefer mail, but i didnt order any...hmm perhaps now.
have a nice week
yeah i know what you mean and its no fun frown.
831 REPRESENT!?!? are you from Santa Cruz or something cuz I used to lived there for a lil over a year like 3 years ago.
Things I keep thinking about: Alex, Gordon, and drugs. Lemme break it down right quick.

I miss Alex so much. I miss everything about him. He's the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. I went to a photography museum today, and the main exhibit was various incarnations of Che Guevara's...
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dont take any shit from people on drugs, they will use you too.

if u miss living then why dont u do something about it
lifes a fuckin bitch which constantly works against you and everyone else. u should contest it...the shitter life gets, the harder u should fight back.

get yourself a bike and go for a cycle thru some woods, drugs are nothing compared to nature. sorry i didnt mean to sound all hippy on you.

I think there should be a "girls of IAM" week.

*insert self indulgence here: I REALLY NEED a haircut. I don't know what to do. I'm tired of blunt with bangs, but I look good with blunt and bangs. I like that messy piecy I-don't-give-a-fuck look, but any time I've had layers, I haven't liked it. My hair is super thick and very straight and...
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