Why is MySpace such a piece of shit? You would think that a website with such an insane volume of members would be able to keep things running smoothly. It won't let me post, or it replicates my posts, and then won't let me delete the excess posts.
I'm in love with little dogs lately. I kind of wish my dog was little-er. But I can give my dog a hug, so it's alright that he's a little big. Cause hugs are nice.
I'm planning a trip to San Leandro to see one of my favorite people on the face of the earth. Yaaaaaaaay! I hope everything works out.
My culinary contribution to health class tonight will be peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread. If it's good enough for me, it will be good enough for them.
So the first boyfriend I ever had ever ever EVER, back in the day when I was 11 and 12 years old, hit me up on MySpace and is all *My girlfriend and I were going thru yearbooks and she saw you and she thinks that you're hot. I always thought you were hot*. Aw.