Making an effort to blog more, even if it means they're a lot emptier.
Finished up an oil painting of the ever-perfect @radeo recently! I'm actually pretty happy with this one.
Although it's photographed painfully bad. This looks so much better in real life - the plywood gives it gorgeous texture, the colours are much more rich and the bits of gold paint shine when the light catches:
You can sort of get an idea of it from that, but not really.
Also, I'm doing the 30 day squat challenge - day 6 and I'm already loving the results!
Even if it is painful, haha. Not just the challenge though - I'm making an effort to do some exercise every day, be it running, yoga, pilates, a general exercise routine or a combination of all three. Two cups of green tea a day and a generally healthy diet - with the odd bit of coffee or wine thrown in there to keep it interesting... I can't remember the last time I felt so good in myself, or about myself, and I love it. Healthy and happy.
I hope you lovelies are all taking good care of yourselves too! Peace. <3