Hey SG! It's been a while.

I kinda fell off the face of the earth there for a little bit. It's been a weird couple of months. I've fell out of touch with friends, family, and myself. And I want to fix that. I miss the way things used to be.
Do you guys have any New Year's resolutions this year? Usually I have a list of goals... For 2014 I still do have a list of things I want to achieve. But just one official, encompassing resolution: -
To love and respect myself.
Love myself enough to not be motivated by guilt, or self loathing or self doubt, and to not make myself miserable in the name of someone else's happiness.
Respect myself enough to not squander the opportunities I have, to work hard, and achieve my potential. To not sell myself short.
Love myself enough to look after myself, exercise and put good stuff in my body, keep myself healthy.
Respect the choices I make and not let other people's opinions and judgement make me feel shameful or doubt myself.
It's going to lead to some difficult decisions and some big changes, but I need to have faith in my ability to be strong and to deal with hard times, and not avoid difficult situations just because it appears to be easier for the time being... Guess it's time to grow up.
Sigh.. Sorry for the hugely introspective blog. I have precious few places/people I can vent to at the moment. To lighten things up, here's some mini boobs. It's been a while since I've shown those too.