I think I've broken a personal record of how long it's taken me to update this blog. I don't have any new excuses... Just insanely busy as usual. As more time passed, there was more things to write about and less time to do it in, heh.
So what have I been busy with?
Well, I had a birthday.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
My 20th, to be exact. Funnily enough, I had planned to have a really low-key one this year - I didn't have the money to do anything big and working constantly left me with no energy to even want to do anything. (I very nearly had to work on my birthday too, but I had a close escape, aha.) But thanks to my boyfriend, this turned out to be the most wonderful birthday I think I've ever had. Mostly because he spoiled me absolutely rotten, aha.
I got a Black Milk galaxy dress! I've lusted over black milk clothing for years, but never thought I'd ever be able to own anything.

(That knitted snood thing around my neck there ^ is a scarf/top that his mother knitted for me. So sweet!)
Plus - among other things - the cutest pug cupcakes:
And matching, geeky Game of Thrones rings - One says "My sun and stars", the other "Moon of my life":
We'd originally booked into a swanky restaurant on the other side of Manchester for a birthday meal - but when we got there we realised we'd booked a table in buffet hour, which wasn't exactly the romantic meal we had planned... So after spending 20 and a couple of hours in travel, we decided to come all the way back home and eat at our favourite cosy little tapas place about twenty mins from home. And it couldn't have been more perfect.
I also got a lovely little care package from Miss Fische! Recieving this in the post really did make my day.
And no worries about the size, honey - the underwear fit perfectly!
They're definitely some of my favourites now.
And I've been messing with my body again... The perks of working in a tattoo studio, aha. Our piercer had her last day working with us, so I took advantage and got another two rings in my helix.
I also had this little hit done at the top of my right thigh the other day - legs on legs, aha. I love it.
As always, any spare moment is spent trying to make more art... Sadly spare moments seem ever more few and far between. Still, here's a little glimpse at what I've managed to create lately, and some sneak peaks of things currently on the go too.

Life has pretty much continued as usual, otherwise.

Ups and downs... More than a few downs to be completely honest, but I want to keep this a vaguely positive blog so I'd rather not go into detail about those.
Besides, no more dwelling on the bad. I know things are gonna get better from here on out.
Hope all is well with you guys. I promise the next blog will be sooner - and less all-over the place!
Nice art too!