Busy busy days! I apologise if it seems like I haven't been around much - so many sets to catch up on! - but real life is being rather demanding at the moment. This time, in the best way possible

I mentioned last time about the12-week intensive "Art Bootcamp" I'd be taking part in over the coming weeks.. I'm now at the end of week two and phew... Bootcamp is a good way to describe it! Tons of work... But I'm learning so much, at work I'm excited to just come home and continue assignments - feel so fired up to create and improve, best feeling in the world

With assignments taking up all of my spare time I've not really been able to work on anything else - but I managed to squeeze in some work on these fun little drawings of the gorgeous Marly! More of these to come... Metallic paint is too fun, I really need excuses to work with it more often.
Another reason I've been rather absent from here... Most of last week was spent living at boyfriendio's house, taking advantage of it being empty while his parents were away. It's felt like a nice little holiday away from home... It was lovely to spend all day wandering around wearing nothing but a t-shirt, eating pizza and ice-cream and watching old Sherlock episodes And working, too of course... But working a midnight close shift is vastly improved by coming home to surprises like this:
We even got some rare british sun! He lives out in the middle of nowhere, so we decided to have a spontaneous little wander...
On Saturday we both headed into Manchester, first to meet his friends, then later on headed over to one of my favourite little cocktail bar for a mini SG meet... I got to see my lovelies Nanci, Chibbi and EvaMaria again, and to meet the wondeful Daisy, Ortus, SkyeAnnelise and Felis for the first time!
(Pictures stolen from Nanci's blog)
I always love meeting people from the site, every single person I've met has been wonderful, interesting and beautiful, and I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity and experience of knowing them... You guys are awesome. <3
Also, I discovered the wonders of an expresso martini... Alcohol that tastes like coffee, genius! And I managed to bag myself some instax souveniours (Thanks again Nanci! )
I really am gonna have to get me an Instax/polaroid camera, I adore the things.
In other news, Never Sleep is still doing quite well!
Over 800 comments and its now up to 96%... Oh, you guyyys
And on that note, I really need to get back to work, so I'll just drop some gratuitous selfies here and jet.
Til next time SG!
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I love your sketches. It seems you've got talent lady!
That is all.