Wow, I am terrible at keeping this updated! Busy, busy at the moment - precious time spent working, being a good little friend/girlfriend, and painting my ass off in any spare moment... Life is good, but definitely time-consuming!
I hope all you beautiful people had a suitably loved-up Valentine's Day?
Valentine's has always confused me - it's baffling that a day dedicated to celebrating Love can inspire so much depression and just general grumpiness. I've been single for a good 80-90% of the Valentines I've had, sometimes I was happy about it, sometimes not... but I've never hated or dreaded the day. Who gives a fuck if you're in a relationship or not? Use it as an excuse to express love - to your family, friends, or yourself. Life doesn't begin and end at relationships. Cut out and ignore all the crass commercialism, and make Valentines your own, beautiful day. [/rant]
I hope all you beautiful people had a suitably loved-up Valentine's Day?
Valentine's has always confused me - it's baffling that a day dedicated to celebrating Love can inspire so much depression and just general grumpiness. I've been single for a good 80-90% of the Valentines I've had, sometimes I was happy about it, sometimes not... but I've never hated or dreaded the day. Who gives a fuck if you're in a relationship or not? Use it as an excuse to express love - to your family, friends, or yourself. Life doesn't begin and end at relationships. Cut out and ignore all the crass commercialism, and make Valentines your own, beautiful day. [/rant]
Art Stuff
Life in Pictures
Got alot to look forward to in the coming weeks/months... 2013, you're doing it right.
Also, the UK SG Hopefuls have an official Facebook page! So pop on over there and give it a like for up to date news on the gorgeous british girls over here!
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holy crap you have the best music taste ever! 

Omg i just loveeee your art *_*