How are you beautiful people? I hope you've all had an amazing January and started the year off right! Mine's been crazy... I've constantly felt busy and run off my feet, like I've just never had spare time - but then I look back over the month and realise I've barely actually done anything. It's been a good one though, for all that 
The weather's been crazy, we had a ton of snow the other week... I can't stand snow, and it was inches deep and kept on coming. Walking to work was hellish. It was pretty though:

And then, it pretty much disappeared overnight, it was kinda surreal.
Now we keep getting little glimpses of sunlight in the early day that seem to want to linger and get me all excited and happy:

Only for it to disappear into clouds which drench me with rainwater on my way into work.

Aahh, british weather, how I loathe you. Someone please kidnap me away to somewhere with lots of sun?
Kept my spirits high with lots of little things this month;
Treated myself to a set of James Jean's postcard prints, which are just gorgeous and even more so up close - if you haven't heard of him you should definitely check his work out (just as soon as his website starts working again!)

Really enjoying Hard Rock Cafe's cocktails at the moment, even if they are a little expensive for my ghetto budget; my favourite so far is Blue Devil. So nice.

I also discovered I like tea, surprisingly... Although it definitely doesn't even come close to coffee! I'm quite enjoying trying all the different types and flavours, it's a new experience. I have an unhealthy appreciation for hot drinks, haha. So far I've tried Assam, Ceylon and Gingersnap Peach

Art Stuff

The weather's been crazy, we had a ton of snow the other week... I can't stand snow, and it was inches deep and kept on coming. Walking to work was hellish. It was pretty though:

And then, it pretty much disappeared overnight, it was kinda surreal.
Now we keep getting little glimpses of sunlight in the early day that seem to want to linger and get me all excited and happy:

Only for it to disappear into clouds which drench me with rainwater on my way into work.

Aahh, british weather, how I loathe you. Someone please kidnap me away to somewhere with lots of sun?
Kept my spirits high with lots of little things this month;
Treated myself to a set of James Jean's postcard prints, which are just gorgeous and even more so up close - if you haven't heard of him you should definitely check his work out (just as soon as his website starts working again!)

Really enjoying Hard Rock Cafe's cocktails at the moment, even if they are a little expensive for my ghetto budget; my favourite so far is Blue Devil. So nice.

I also discovered I like tea, surprisingly... Although it definitely doesn't even come close to coffee! I'm quite enjoying trying all the different types and flavours, it's a new experience. I have an unhealthy appreciation for hot drinks, haha. So far I've tried Assam, Ceylon and Gingersnap Peach

Art Stuff
Ahh, there's so many good sets being released right now, it makes me happy to just be a part of the site... I loved seeing Radeo and Marlene on front page, such amazing sets. So beautiful. These have been making me happy too:
Ahh, this journal has been a rambly mess cause I'm all tired... Ahh. Wishing you all a beautiful February and a very loved up valentines day! Now excuse me while I go paint myself to sleep.
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those snow pictures are lovely and you'r adorable <3