So the excitement of last week has kinda died down, I'm back to work and ordinary life.
Getting into a healthier lifestyle which is great, I'm exercising more and eating healthier and feeling great. Next step is probably to drink less... Which, considering I went on a work night out last week, isnt going quite as well. :')
It was still a fun night though, I got to show off my new tattoo (deliberately dressing to show it off, as you do...)
There wasn't really any good looking guys, even after I'd been on the sambuca... There never is in this town. But that's okay, I got a drunken kiss off my very beautiful friend, so I was happy.
Besides, the people I work with are hella cool.
Afterwards, me and work's security guard drunkenly decided that going back to mine for pizza (just pizza!!) is cheaper and quicker than the takeaway - When I got home I realised my mum probably won't appreciate me bringing back strange men twice my age, and tried to tell him to keep quiet and go home before she wakes up.
I needn't have bothered, she was already awake; she didn't bat an eyelid, just made him coffee and chatted for about 2 hours straight. It was a very surreal time, once I sobered up enough to know what was going on.
I'm in a kinda weird mood lately... all of my friends are moving out, spreading out across the country for university. I've always hated my home town, but this is making me feel really stuck here; I wanna move away, go travelling, meet new people. I've always felt this place had nothing for me... but I don't really have the means to do anything yet. Or maybe I'm just stalling. Feeling a bit lonely.
At least I have new comic books to cheer me up, though. (Do you realise how much I've wanted this? For how longg?? Finally got my grubby little hands on a copy!
Peace, guys. Hope you're all okay.
And thanks for all the comments so far! I've said it before, but it's nice to feel so welcomed here 

It was still a fun night though, I got to show off my new tattoo (deliberately dressing to show it off, as you do...)

There wasn't really any good looking guys, even after I'd been on the sambuca... There never is in this town. But that's okay, I got a drunken kiss off my very beautiful friend, so I was happy.

Besides, the people I work with are hella cool.

Afterwards, me and work's security guard drunkenly decided that going back to mine for pizza (just pizza!!) is cheaper and quicker than the takeaway - When I got home I realised my mum probably won't appreciate me bringing back strange men twice my age, and tried to tell him to keep quiet and go home before she wakes up.
I needn't have bothered, she was already awake; she didn't bat an eyelid, just made him coffee and chatted for about 2 hours straight. It was a very surreal time, once I sobered up enough to know what was going on.

I'm in a kinda weird mood lately... all of my friends are moving out, spreading out across the country for university. I've always hated my home town, but this is making me feel really stuck here; I wanna move away, go travelling, meet new people. I've always felt this place had nothing for me... but I don't really have the means to do anything yet. Or maybe I'm just stalling. Feeling a bit lonely.
At least I have new comic books to cheer me up, though. (Do you realise how much I've wanted this? For how longg?? Finally got my grubby little hands on a copy!

Peace, guys. Hope you're all okay.

your a comic geek!!!? thats awesome lol