So yesterday was officially the weirdest day of my life. . . Probably the most painful as well. . .
It started off normal. Got up, got ready for work, went to work and then started to try to make some money. About an hour into It I started feeling these weird cramps. It was unlike anything I had felt. . . but they were bareable. I didnt even bother to say anything to anyone about them. In the mean time, Our restuarant holds Defensive driving classes every Saturday. They are always in the back room which is closed off to the rest of the restaurant. Well apparently my stupid fucking GM double booked the back room and there was a big private party that was to come in at 2:00, so they had to move all of the DD people out to the open floor in the back of the restaurant. The teacher of DD was loud as fuck. . . talking about all these car wrecks in full detail. All the while, I have a table sitting right beside this, a family with 2 small children. They started acting a little irritated and Kimia (the waitress taking care of the DD class) came up to me and expressed what they had said. I went to the table and they were totally nice to me. I tried to get them to move but they had so much stuff it would have been really difficult. Of course I go let my manager know whats going on and he goes to talk to them. All shit breaks loose after this. . . The mom at my table just bitches him out! Nate (my manager) gets so mad he walks by me at the front desk and simply says "That lady at your table is a CUNT". . . then he heads straight out the front door. He just had to walk it off I guess. He comes back in and explains what is gonna happen with them (he's paying for their whole meal).
After that things calm down. . . I check on my table a few times more and they are just as nice as can be. Well all morning I had been going in and out of the bathroom bc of those cramps. . . I headed in there once again and the sec I got in there I felt my stomach clinch up on me. . . absolutely the worst pain Ive ever felt. . . .I tried to breathe through it but it wasnt stopping. I stand up, I sit down, I stand, I sit. . . nothing was helping. Finally I grab my phone and call the restaurant. I asked Christina (the host) to send my friend Kimia in to help me. Instead she came in . . . At this point Im just trying to hold my self up beside the bathroom stall. She gets three words out and just runs to get my manager Nate. He comes in and tries to get as much information out of me he can. Then he runs out with out saying anything. . . Next thing I know Im on the floor with a cop above my head telling me paramedics are on the way. They get there and ask all the standard questions. And ya know I dont think Ive been asked about my period so many times by complete strangers in my life. And two "Are you pregnant? is there and chance you could be pregnant? Are you sure you arnt pregnant?" Jesus christ. . . I fucked last night! is that what you want to know. . . Yes I could be pregnant but I know Im not!!!
So then infront of the whole fucking store I get taken out on a stretcher!!! So embarassing!!! My manager is freaking out. . . Im trying to cover my face so I dont have to see anyone else's reactions. They get me in the ambulance and Ive got about 7 different guys hooking me up to shit and talking to me. They were all really nice and Im so grateful for that. Im still trying to calm down and breath slowly to help with the pain but I have so much going on around me its hard not to be scared shitless. My manager had grabbed my phone and was trying to reach family and trying to figure out where they were gonna take me. The parametic took my blood pressure and tells me its 200+ over something. . . I just know that top number shouldnt be that high. They give me a few more things, ask a few more questions then we are off. I swear it takes forever to get to the hospital!!! We get there, none the less, and once again its caos. . . Nurses are taking all the same tests the paramedics were and then taking blood and god knows what else. They ask me to do a urine test and I cause a mini murder scene from knocking out my I.V. The pain let up for a bit and I called Brett to come be with me. Im not that scared of hospitals and the pain wasnt so bad so I didnt sound that urgent to get him there. Then the pain came back full force about 45 min later. . . I had just got out of taking a CAT scan and was freaking out from being alone for so long through all this. So I called Brett a second time crying. . . He must have done 100mph the whole way cuz he was there quick after that. Come to find out all this was caused from Kidney stones. A 3mm kidney stone to be exact. All this for something so fucking small!!!
They released me right after they found out and Brett took me to my car. On the way home my manager calls me and asks how I am. I told him I was ok and what had caused it all and explained how they had already released me. He said "yeah I know. . . Im at the ER right now." I was so shocked. . . I thought it was so sweet of him to be so worried and concerned. I plan on giving him a big hug when I see him next. But I made it home and Brett and I hung out and relaxed and talked about the crazy fucking day. I finally fell asleep and woke up to a better day. . . I decided to take to day off to collect and recover a bit. I cant believe all that happen just yesterday. . . .Ehh makes for an interesting story.
It started off normal. Got up, got ready for work, went to work and then started to try to make some money. About an hour into It I started feeling these weird cramps. It was unlike anything I had felt. . . but they were bareable. I didnt even bother to say anything to anyone about them. In the mean time, Our restuarant holds Defensive driving classes every Saturday. They are always in the back room which is closed off to the rest of the restaurant. Well apparently my stupid fucking GM double booked the back room and there was a big private party that was to come in at 2:00, so they had to move all of the DD people out to the open floor in the back of the restaurant. The teacher of DD was loud as fuck. . . talking about all these car wrecks in full detail. All the while, I have a table sitting right beside this, a family with 2 small children. They started acting a little irritated and Kimia (the waitress taking care of the DD class) came up to me and expressed what they had said. I went to the table and they were totally nice to me. I tried to get them to move but they had so much stuff it would have been really difficult. Of course I go let my manager know whats going on and he goes to talk to them. All shit breaks loose after this. . . The mom at my table just bitches him out! Nate (my manager) gets so mad he walks by me at the front desk and simply says "That lady at your table is a CUNT". . . then he heads straight out the front door. He just had to walk it off I guess. He comes back in and explains what is gonna happen with them (he's paying for their whole meal).
After that things calm down. . . I check on my table a few times more and they are just as nice as can be. Well all morning I had been going in and out of the bathroom bc of those cramps. . . I headed in there once again and the sec I got in there I felt my stomach clinch up on me. . . absolutely the worst pain Ive ever felt. . . .I tried to breathe through it but it wasnt stopping. I stand up, I sit down, I stand, I sit. . . nothing was helping. Finally I grab my phone and call the restaurant. I asked Christina (the host) to send my friend Kimia in to help me. Instead she came in . . . At this point Im just trying to hold my self up beside the bathroom stall. She gets three words out and just runs to get my manager Nate. He comes in and tries to get as much information out of me he can. Then he runs out with out saying anything. . . Next thing I know Im on the floor with a cop above my head telling me paramedics are on the way. They get there and ask all the standard questions. And ya know I dont think Ive been asked about my period so many times by complete strangers in my life. And two "Are you pregnant? is there and chance you could be pregnant? Are you sure you arnt pregnant?" Jesus christ. . . I fucked last night! is that what you want to know. . . Yes I could be pregnant but I know Im not!!!
So then infront of the whole fucking store I get taken out on a stretcher!!! So embarassing!!! My manager is freaking out. . . Im trying to cover my face so I dont have to see anyone else's reactions. They get me in the ambulance and Ive got about 7 different guys hooking me up to shit and talking to me. They were all really nice and Im so grateful for that. Im still trying to calm down and breath slowly to help with the pain but I have so much going on around me its hard not to be scared shitless. My manager had grabbed my phone and was trying to reach family and trying to figure out where they were gonna take me. The parametic took my blood pressure and tells me its 200+ over something. . . I just know that top number shouldnt be that high. They give me a few more things, ask a few more questions then we are off. I swear it takes forever to get to the hospital!!! We get there, none the less, and once again its caos. . . Nurses are taking all the same tests the paramedics were and then taking blood and god knows what else. They ask me to do a urine test and I cause a mini murder scene from knocking out my I.V. The pain let up for a bit and I called Brett to come be with me. Im not that scared of hospitals and the pain wasnt so bad so I didnt sound that urgent to get him there. Then the pain came back full force about 45 min later. . . I had just got out of taking a CAT scan and was freaking out from being alone for so long through all this. So I called Brett a second time crying. . . He must have done 100mph the whole way cuz he was there quick after that. Come to find out all this was caused from Kidney stones. A 3mm kidney stone to be exact. All this for something so fucking small!!!
They released me right after they found out and Brett took me to my car. On the way home my manager calls me and asks how I am. I told him I was ok and what had caused it all and explained how they had already released me. He said "yeah I know. . . Im at the ER right now." I was so shocked. . . I thought it was so sweet of him to be so worried and concerned. I plan on giving him a big hug when I see him next. But I made it home and Brett and I hung out and relaxed and talked about the crazy fucking day. I finally fell asleep and woke up to a better day. . . I decided to take to day off to collect and recover a bit. I cant believe all that happen just yesterday. . . .Ehh makes for an interesting story.
Glad you are okay, and it was nothing serious after all. It does make an interesting story tho. Have a good day love.