alright sorry i havent been around lately. Was in limbo for awhile with the whole moving ordeal, and now Im here in.......
Theres been so much going on, yet there is still so much to do. My room is a mess and I need to go out and buy phones for the house, because my mother insists on being detached from the rest of the world. NOT HAPPENING.
I had my orientation at work. Twas quite good. But now Im worried that my chef is gonna be like...hey..you cant have visible tattoos...which I find silly cause Im in the back and I dont deal with customers in the first place. HE asked my to not wear my nose stud at work...which I found quite weird but I didnt say anything. At the orientation my new sous chef was there and he was pretty rad. We stuck together cause we were the only kitchen staff among the whole group. LONGEST ORIENTATION OF MY LIFE. Ive never needed a smoke so bad after that one.
I was in TO on thusday night and got to see one of my best friends, plus hang out with the ever beautiful Pillango. Now thats a lady if Ive ever seen one. IF you didnt see the pictures she posted, heres a loook:
some artistic ness:
and then of course:
Such a great girl. I cant wait to hang out again...Im so going up again in the next few weeks....
Hung out in London for the weekend, which was super fun. Got to see one of my really really good friends, hes like a second brother to me. Hung out with some other hilarious people..was at the Embassy on Sat night seeing Yasmina in NOTHING LEFT FOR TOMORROW..
jesus h christ that girl can scream, I was mad impressed yo.
Otherwise, Im here now and not in Guelph. Its starting to eat away at me but I keep preoccupied enough. When I start work itll be better.
I miss this kid :
And of course, I miss Lucas so damn much. I miss everyone and It sucks to be here. pooh.
In cali April 27 till may 2. Send me an email if I can stay with you. Whose driving to Coachella from LA cause I need to hitch a ride..hook a lady up!!!! its next week and I need to know....ASAP
I could write so much more...but really, I dont have alot of time at this point. Busy busy busy.
and for those of you who didnt see new Gir:
alright. Im going.
alright sorry i havent been around lately. Was in limbo for awhile with the whole moving ordeal, and now Im here in.......
Theres been so much going on, yet there is still so much to do. My room is a mess and I need to go out and buy phones for the house, because my mother insists on being detached from the rest of the world. NOT HAPPENING.
I had my orientation at work. Twas quite good. But now Im worried that my chef is gonna be like...hey..you cant have visible tattoos...which I find silly cause Im in the back and I dont deal with customers in the first place. HE asked my to not wear my nose stud at work...which I found quite weird but I didnt say anything. At the orientation my new sous chef was there and he was pretty rad. We stuck together cause we were the only kitchen staff among the whole group. LONGEST ORIENTATION OF MY LIFE. Ive never needed a smoke so bad after that one.
I was in TO on thusday night and got to see one of my best friends, plus hang out with the ever beautiful Pillango. Now thats a lady if Ive ever seen one. IF you didnt see the pictures she posted, heres a loook:

some artistic ness:

and then of course:


Such a great girl. I cant wait to hang out again...Im so going up again in the next few weeks....
Hung out in London for the weekend, which was super fun. Got to see one of my really really good friends, hes like a second brother to me. Hung out with some other hilarious people..was at the Embassy on Sat night seeing Yasmina in NOTHING LEFT FOR TOMORROW..
jesus h christ that girl can scream, I was mad impressed yo.
Otherwise, Im here now and not in Guelph. Its starting to eat away at me but I keep preoccupied enough. When I start work itll be better.
I miss this kid :

And of course, I miss Lucas so damn much. I miss everyone and It sucks to be here. pooh.
In cali April 27 till may 2. Send me an email if I can stay with you. Whose driving to Coachella from LA cause I need to hitch a ride..hook a lady up!!!! its next week and I need to know....ASAP
I could write so much more...but really, I dont have alot of time at this point. Busy busy busy.
and for those of you who didnt see new Gir:

alright. Im going.
vote for my new name!

that gir tat is frickin awesome!