Since my last post, my life has been ful of very interesting musings, sightseeings and mishaps.
Thats life isnt it?
Id like to think I am a generally interesting person. I am also incredibly postive..but I can also be annoyingly negative.
I work in the service industry for the moment, as this is my last year of doing so. With the economy going down the toilet I am hightailing my ass south in the fall of this year, and will not return for some time.

See the West Point? Theres where I did my Dive Master Course. Do you see where Runaway Bay is? Its North, right near Ocho Rios. Where I grew up. Theres where I am getting my Intructors Course.
Ive never completed anything in my life. This will be the first time I have accomplised something GREAT since high school. I am not an overly ambitious person, and thinking about this makes me cry. With such joy.
Anways, wanted to share that with you guys.
Ill be in Detroit at the end of this month with my awesome awesome totally awesome friends:

It will be alot of fun. I am looking forward to seeing you ladies there too! Whose going?
Shooting a set soon, got something in the works.
Currently being distracted by National Geographic online.
What have you been listening to lately? I have so much new music its nuts.
Alright. Now I am rambling.
And if you didnt read my last post, do so. And to those who replied. AWESOME.
much love.

Lots of thumbs ups eh?
Thats life isnt it?
Id like to think I am a generally interesting person. I am also incredibly postive..but I can also be annoyingly negative.
I work in the service industry for the moment, as this is my last year of doing so. With the economy going down the toilet I am hightailing my ass south in the fall of this year, and will not return for some time.

See the West Point? Theres where I did my Dive Master Course. Do you see where Runaway Bay is? Its North, right near Ocho Rios. Where I grew up. Theres where I am getting my Intructors Course.
Ive never completed anything in my life. This will be the first time I have accomplised something GREAT since high school. I am not an overly ambitious person, and thinking about this makes me cry. With such joy.
Anways, wanted to share that with you guys.
Ill be in Detroit at the end of this month with my awesome awesome totally awesome friends:

It will be alot of fun. I am looking forward to seeing you ladies there too! Whose going?
Shooting a set soon, got something in the works.
Currently being distracted by National Geographic online.
What have you been listening to lately? I have so much new music its nuts.
Alright. Now I am rambling.
And if you didnt read my last post, do so. And to those who replied. AWESOME.
much love.

Lots of thumbs ups eh?
thanks for commenting on my set! i miss your butt! i want you to come visit sooooon! maybe hell city???
Soapy Kisses
Gonna update your journal at some point or do I have to bust out the phone again so I know you're alive and not being dragged around Turkmenistan by kidnappers?