So it's over between matt and I, officially.
I have been trying so hard to live a lie and I'm so tired of pretending.
I know he's not being honest with me. Between the pot I found in my place the other week and the pictures I saw of him stoned off his ass.
...and the journal entry....
Why can't he just be honest? I asked him to take a drug test and he is using every excuse in the book why not to.
Every sign is pointing to the truth and YES the truth fucking hurts!
I made a choice when I got clean and sober not only for myslef but the kind of people I choose to surround myself with. He knew how I felt about drugs and alcohol. I asked him to be honest with me, why is that so fucking difficult!
I tried so fucking hard to make us work. I gave this my all and I never got shit in return. HA, history repeats itself yet again!
FUCK-I seriously feel like murdering someone!!!
*stab* *stab* *stab*
Later in the day and a little less agitated-I have added more new pics in my friends folder. check them out and tell me what you think. :0)
I have been trying so hard to live a lie and I'm so tired of pretending.
I know he's not being honest with me. Between the pot I found in my place the other week and the pictures I saw of him stoned off his ass.
...and the journal entry....

Why can't he just be honest? I asked him to take a drug test and he is using every excuse in the book why not to.
Every sign is pointing to the truth and YES the truth fucking hurts!
I made a choice when I got clean and sober not only for myslef but the kind of people I choose to surround myself with. He knew how I felt about drugs and alcohol. I asked him to be honest with me, why is that so fucking difficult!
I tried so fucking hard to make us work. I gave this my all and I never got shit in return. HA, history repeats itself yet again!
FUCK-I seriously feel like murdering someone!!!
*stab* *stab* *stab*

Later in the day and a little less agitated-I have added more new pics in my friends folder. check them out and tell me what you think. :0)
Have a great weekend.
wish i'd been smart enough to do the same back when i was clean & sober.