today was pay day... har har. my paychecks for the next 3 months are already spent. frown i hate debt... everyone's telling me to get used to it, you're gonna have some form of debt all your life. i made it through most of university with no debt, and now it looks like i'm going to have to get myself ready for some heavy borrowing to...
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5...4...3...1... OFFBLAST!
Please see quarter-life crisis...

The friends we have are looking less like friends and those we have lost touch with could possibly be the most important people in our lives...

Sorry to hear about the drifting of friends... it sux horribly. frown
tonight i went to see sarah mclachlan in concert... *sigh* very very nice.

i've met so many people that have issues with feet, and how "ugly" they are. i think my feet are awesome. just a bunch of little bones and tendons and muscles supporting my entire weight, bearing the brunt of every step. all those little toes preventing me from falling over. i appreciate...
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hehehe, it's all good. wink
Thanks, Yumyum. smile
woo-hoo! i painted my toenails black finally. *wiggles toes*

i went to a wine blues festival on saturday with ma cause she buys liquor as a job and got free tickets (some other people from her work were with us too). we even got picked up in a limo *bling*

so 'cause my ma buys so much of their wine, the owner of the winery...
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I love wine festivals love sound like you had a fun weekend!
All the best to you too girlie kiss Going away for school sounds fun, and like you said, a good chance for you to have a little time for yourself - VERY important smile
i never want to have children. i made this decision long ago. it just comes to light as my puppy grows. i got her when she was 7 weeks old, and now she's 12 weeks, and it's amazing to see the changes. this little life that i'm responsible for, that depends on me to survive and develop, is thriving and healthy and happy, growing more...
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I saw your post in the "matrimony" group ...

me too! on the kids question. I think Olivia put it really well:

if and when you feel like you have a reason to procreate. and you're ready to give up your life and not be bitter about it.

well, I don't have a reason to have a kid (or not one that strikes me as an important enough reason) and I might end up bitter. Not so much that, but just that it's an incredible responsibility, and if I'm not totally into it, then I'm not the right person for the job ...

you don't have to answer this, but have you thought about what would you do if you got pregnant by accident? A lot of people become parents this way (scary but true). Being clear in my mind about that decision beforehand helped me a ton.

thanks 4 the +ive reinforcement about Adrian, I am disease free. I really appreciate the kind words, cuz I felt pretty shit after that conversation with "Alicia". I mean, not only was he screwing 4 girls at the same time - he was making it with Steph McGowan! *shiver*

Anyway, tell you all about Spencer Tunick @ book club.
i'm so sick of hearing people bash vanilla. when things are boring/ dull, it's vanilla __. like vanilla sex. i think vanilla has supremo flavour, and something like cream of wheat should replace it as a negative verb. now that's bland. you have to dump half a cup of sugar into a bowl of that crap to make it taste like anything. or avocado. the...
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Yeah. Incidently enough, she IS Catholic. wink

Thanks for your comment on my journal, new friend. smile