Ugh. Next spring. That's when whatever it is that's going to happen in my life to spark change and rebirth is going to happen, if in fact it is supposed to happen. It will be a catalyst! An explosion!

Or I'll just have better eating-out options.

In any case, I'm ready to finish hair school and get on with it. But my new york trip...
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It's probably a good thing I don't have the internet in St. Pete. I wouldn't get anything done. When I come home on the weekends all I do is lurk on myspace and read LJ's and go around on here a little bit. The only difference between now and probably 6 months ago is that, when I see someone on myspace I know, I don't...
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I was reading some old livejournal entries from last year and the beginning of this year and I seem to have become a lot more jaded. I guess you could say I grew up more, but it feels like I've become more hard-nosed and less innocent. It's a little disheartening. I'm not so much of a little girl anymore.

As a man named Seymour once...
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I'm back! Due to financial issues, I was gone. But I got some money and paid for a year so.... rock.

Alright then.
So I've begun the process of thinking about/possibly moving to NYC. I've been wanting to live there ever since I first visited.

And now it might happen. And why the hell not? Even if its a crash and burn type thing where I move there and live there for a month and come running and screaming back to Florida.... I will not regret it. I...
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My cat just ran out my room really fast and I'm freaked out. I wonder what scared her.

There's been Jimmy Stewart movies on TCM all day. Right now its Shop Around the Corner.

Uh... that's it. I definitely write in livejournal exponentially more than I do on here.
holly shit i think the same thing about penisis puke !oh and what is live journal?drop me a line and let me know!
oh my god i watched the same jimmy stewart thing, but i stopped right before shop around the corner! awesome.

yeah, i'll let you know how it is. i'm not worried about my dreams being crushed because i kind of don't have expectations. i'm just going to school, i have that excuse. but move up and we'll totally be friend and shit! and thank you for having a crush on my you gorgeous thing!

Hey hey hey.


I had a dream last night that some dudes tried to rape me and use that urban legend drug that makes a girl sterile... but I defended myself by.... snapping off their balls! With just my hand. I twisted them right off.
The only thing being sold on the side of the road now is "sweet corn"...I'm not sure when the peanut harvest time is...when I was younger my grandmother would make them from the peanuts she grew in her garden...but my "time line" memory is not that strong...

Maryland is below the mason-dixon line...I bike past the sign that says so when I'm coming back in to maryland from PA...

Thanks for the double post...it gets my comment count up... biggrin
i had this dream where i'm at work and somebody explains to me that i have a huge ringworm crawling around in my arm.
St. Pete is okay.

4th street is kind of a nightmare.

Still no caravans spotted.
highway patrolmen? boycrazy's now one of those, you know. <3 *angi*

[Edited on Jul 29, 2004 9:51PM]
If you want an awesome life full of disposable income, hot people, a constant party, and good-ass hair, just come to an Aveda Institute.

Hair is life.

It's just dead protein.

But it's LIFE.

One day it will pay the bills.

Today it makes me look hot.

Yeah so I think I made the right decision with going to Aveda. I know that's all I've written about for the past few entries but seriously its awesome.

I actually want to get up in the morning, and all this weekend I wished I was at school.

It's really great.