Hace unos dias, aqui en Las Vegas, estuvo el gran maestro e idolo de la musica rock en espaol el seor Enrique Bunbury y aun a sus cuantos aos, da un super concierto aunque super es poco para lo chingon que esta, pero bueno, por fin se me dio verlo, solo tuve que esperar unos casi 20 aos, pero bien esperados, lo unico que estuvo...
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OH my dear good....thats exactly what i was thinking...chola with a punkish twist ur goooood!!!!!

Yesterday started as a good day! I got to go to anime vegas for a couple of hours, and see the dealers room, didnt really get to see any of the panels or viewings, i wanted to go to some of them but i had my lil one with me and there was alot of people for such a small place but it was still...
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porque creeemos que podemos hacer un mejor trabajo con una mejor calidad
weirdest dream last nite. i had a sex dream about my wife's bf! i know i should'nt tell my wife, but i have heard that when you dream about somebody, its because that person is also thinking about you, so it kinda makes me wonder if she had the same dream or what?! we'll see.

not good?
made this blog by mistake, see blog before this one, for what I meant to say!
DAMN MY MORALFIBER!!!!!!!!!!!! Last nite, my wifes bf (who is totally HOT)bent over in front of me, and not just a normal bend over, but she first stuck out her chest, pulled her hair back and then bent over, giving me a clear un-obstructed view of her puppies! but my wife was rite there, so its not like i could just stare and take advantage...
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Holly shit!!!! last nite was one of the best sex i have ever had, it was easylly in the top 5, my wife wanted me to do almost everything and it went for an easy 2hours, she wanted to be touched all over, i ate her pussy then her ass, then her pussy again, tried alot of positions and to my surprise i didn't cum...
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thx! i am proud of myself
went to mexicali last week for my dads b-day, and it was a blast!!!!! my sis got to see calle 13 live that weekend, cant believe i missed it, but it was all good until the last nite, when we took him out to dinner an i got somewat bad food poisoning, that messed up my last nite there, but i was fine a couple...
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so i've been thinkin about putting up more pix of me with the rest of my luchador mask collection, but been kinda lazy about it, i'll try to take some more pix tonite and we'll see wat happens.

well i start this blog like this(which i have never done), so i had sex with my wife the other day, and usually she wants to cudle and be cute and watever!, so we finish and i go and get cleaned up come back to the bedroom and when i get closed to her, she was more asleep then awake and she always does that,...
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Hummm...i'm only like that if its really late. Sex wears you out...need to rest up!

i guess!? but when we finish im not tired an it pisses me off! i wanna sleep too!
my son is asleep so i better hurry up and rub one out!
That's fucked up but hey, good luck to you. Don't pull a muscle.