I feel guilty, it has been so long since I've written in my journal, forgive me I've had a very busy month.
I made it to game 7 of the stanley cup, spent two hours trying to scalp tickets. I started with the obligatory small cardboard sign "NEED TWO TICKETS" till the cop on horseback told me "no signs, one warning" so threw that away. My budget for tickets was $400 a seat, but I really wanted to spend about $300, the seats the scalpers were coming to me with ranged from $600 for the worst seats to $2000 for the best. way outta my price range; luckily about ten minutes before puck drop (we were about to resign to watching the game projected on the stadium wall) a rathar hard up lookin' couple came up to us with some apprehension and sold us their seats for exactly what we wanted to pay. Hurray!!!!!!!! Had an awesome time.
After that I went on a mad work scramble trying to make some extra money at the end of season cause I had to move (from a house that I adored). Spent a couple of days diving in the keys, then moved; which no matter how well you plan it is a major pain in the ass. Cleaned tho old house and flew to Aspen for a week.
Aspen; the land of great mountains and restuarants, my distributers got me and my roomate a couple of tickets to the Food and Wine Classic,(this is a big deal the tickets are a grand a peice, and they don't get them for free) a huge annual event featuring Americas top chefs and winemakers, took a couple of cooking classes and did lots of wine tastings, as well as bourbon tastings and lectures and a Tequila & Mezcal tastings. The best part though I got to eat at my favorite restuarant and meet the chef proprietor, Matsuhisa Nobu. Very Kewl. And On top of all of that, I GOT LAID.!!!!!!!!!. being here in south florida I don't see much pubic hair, so it was kewl to wrestle with the hairy beast for an evening.
Since I've been back (about a week) I've unpacked, hooked up the computer, and gone on a wonderful date with a very cute girl, who is younger than me! (rare for me I usually attract a more mature crowd)
So other than it being off season and not making much money and other wise not liking my job too much. Life is good. Monday I'm diving the Tenneco Towers, rated one of the ten best south florida dives, Teusday I'm meeting friends at the shooting range to shoot guns
and wednesday I've got a second date with the milk skinned maiden!!!!!!!
Now that I'm settlin in to the new house I promise to update at least two times a week, and a chicken in every pot
and to lower taxes by telling people to claim less.
Love Chamucos Reposado
I made it to game 7 of the stanley cup, spent two hours trying to scalp tickets. I started with the obligatory small cardboard sign "NEED TWO TICKETS" till the cop on horseback told me "no signs, one warning" so threw that away. My budget for tickets was $400 a seat, but I really wanted to spend about $300, the seats the scalpers were coming to me with ranged from $600 for the worst seats to $2000 for the best. way outta my price range; luckily about ten minutes before puck drop (we were about to resign to watching the game projected on the stadium wall) a rathar hard up lookin' couple came up to us with some apprehension and sold us their seats for exactly what we wanted to pay. Hurray!!!!!!!! Had an awesome time.
After that I went on a mad work scramble trying to make some extra money at the end of season cause I had to move (from a house that I adored). Spent a couple of days diving in the keys, then moved; which no matter how well you plan it is a major pain in the ass. Cleaned tho old house and flew to Aspen for a week.
Aspen; the land of great mountains and restuarants, my distributers got me and my roomate a couple of tickets to the Food and Wine Classic,(this is a big deal the tickets are a grand a peice, and they don't get them for free) a huge annual event featuring Americas top chefs and winemakers, took a couple of cooking classes and did lots of wine tastings, as well as bourbon tastings and lectures and a Tequila & Mezcal tastings. The best part though I got to eat at my favorite restuarant and meet the chef proprietor, Matsuhisa Nobu. Very Kewl. And On top of all of that, I GOT LAID.!!!!!!!!!. being here in south florida I don't see much pubic hair, so it was kewl to wrestle with the hairy beast for an evening.
Since I've been back (about a week) I've unpacked, hooked up the computer, and gone on a wonderful date with a very cute girl, who is younger than me! (rare for me I usually attract a more mature crowd)
So other than it being off season and not making much money and other wise not liking my job too much. Life is good. Monday I'm diving the Tenneco Towers, rated one of the ten best south florida dives, Teusday I'm meeting friends at the shooting range to shoot guns

Now that I'm settlin in to the new house I promise to update at least two times a week, and a chicken in every pot

Love Chamucos Reposado
By the way, you have amazingly intense eyes.
and this lobster belt buckle is m-i-n-e