today i saw a woman carrying a bag of mysterious, brown, chunky liquid. i somewhat doubt it was soup. stuff like that scares the hell out of me when i think of parenting. i think deep down everyone wants to be a parent. i adore the thought of taking my son or daughter to museums and baseball games, watching t-ball and parent teacher interviews. the age of 30 is looming distantly on the horizon. i've still got a few years to go, but it's there staring at now shouldn't i be able to say to myself, "well if she gets pregnant i can handle being a father"? i can barely take care of myself. how in god's name could i ever be responsible for another human life?!
for now i think i'll watch jaws, while i start packing for the new place.
for now i think i'll watch jaws, while i start packing for the new place.
henrys does tend to over charge
No one really knows how to parent, it just happens.