Oh man, it's funny how beer has healing properties. i felt like shit after that whole "just friends" thing, and now I just don't care. get some whiskey or beer, pour into mouth, repeat. it totally works. either that or you can, i'll take a line from peaches, "fuck the pain away." god dammit she is awesome. why don't have the first album? oh yeah, cause i suck, i'll buy it today.
i also started talking to japanese internet girlfriend again, it's great cause she'll love me just because she doesn't know how to say "just friends" she's great. i met her roommate the other night and her english is actually worse than japanese internet girlfriends. it was cute, cause you would see her not understanding something and look so confused, and then japanese internet girlfriend would say something in japanese and her eyes would light up and she'd say "yes!" a whole bunch. she said she'll cook me japanese food and we will get drunk. hahahahaha, oh man, what a weird life i lead. that has the possibility for some great comedy.
anyway, slobberknocking might be in my future, or it might not. i'm not sure whether i'm going out tonight or not. only time will tell. i might just buy peaches and go home and watch passion of the christ and sing fuck the pain away. that could be very evil and very funny.
i also started talking to japanese internet girlfriend again, it's great cause she'll love me just because she doesn't know how to say "just friends" she's great. i met her roommate the other night and her english is actually worse than japanese internet girlfriends. it was cute, cause you would see her not understanding something and look so confused, and then japanese internet girlfriend would say something in japanese and her eyes would light up and she'd say "yes!" a whole bunch. she said she'll cook me japanese food and we will get drunk. hahahahaha, oh man, what a weird life i lead. that has the possibility for some great comedy.
anyway, slobberknocking might be in my future, or it might not. i'm not sure whether i'm going out tonight or not. only time will tell. i might just buy peaches and go home and watch passion of the christ and sing fuck the pain away. that could be very evil and very funny.
I'm scared of the passion. It's scary.
Do you think we could make a drinking game out of the passion?